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Macros, tips, and
templates for Corel® WordPerfect® for Windows® |
Page updated Jul 9, 2024 |
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Assigning ("linking") a macro, feature, function, program, or
string of keystrokes to a key or key combination — i.e., to a "shortcut" or
"hot" key [To assign these items to a toolbar or menu see the links in the ◄ left column.] Yes, there's a lot here: It's intended to be a comprehensive reference. But like a user guide or a cookbook, you might only need help with a few items (such as the illustrated 4-step "How To" method below that shows how to assign these things to available shortcut keys). Still, if you prefer using the keyboard to a mouse it might be worth your time to browse the entire page before beginning. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. Let's start with a brief overview and some tips. ☼ You can customize your keyboard.
After you customize it (which is easy to do) pressing a specific <Alt>, <Ctrl>, or <Shift>
key — or any combination of these — plus a number or a letter or a function key
(e.g., <Ctrl+1>; <Alt+Shift+m>; <Alt+Ctrl+F5>), would -
• play a WordPerfect macro, or • use a WordPerfect feature or function, or • start an external program, or • send a string of keystrokes to WordPerfect or your current document. ☼ Key combinations are often called "shortcut keys" or "hot keys." • Their assignments — what the key does when pressed — are stored in a keyboard definition inside the program's default template (or
other template, if desired).
• For a list of the default assignments for navigation and text selection, see the downloadable PDF below. • For a printout (or an on-screen display) of all the items that are currently assigned to your shortcut keys, see Footnote 3. • Some shortcut keys (up to 72 of them) can play macros without first assigning them to a keyboard definition: They simply play macros that have special filenames — called "control-key macros". This can be useful if customizing your keyboard is not an option. Since this topic is not the main focus of this page it is covered separately in the Tips section below. • In WordPerfect X7/X8/X9 there's also a feature called the "KeyStroke Menu". "The Keystroke Menu
is an easily searchable list of WordPerfect functions that lets you
quickly find and perform a function. The list of functions filters in
real time, so you can access and use WordPerfect tools, dialog box
settings, menu commands, macros, and feature options in a few
keystrokes." - See WordPerfect X9 Help <F1> for more.
Pressing the <Ctrl+\> key combination (Ctrl + Backslash) will pop up its interactive dialog. By default, when using a keyboard shortcut it is only available using the <WPWin Keyboard> (see the "keyboard definitions" section below). You can also open the Keystroke Menu by clicking Help, Find feature. ☼ When you click on the Tools,
Settings, Customize, Keyboards tab (see image)... You can select (i.e., activate), create, edit, copy, or rename/reset/delete a desired keyboard definition. (More on this later.)
☼ You have
several keyboard definitions included on your system. WordPerfect typically ships with some standard
definitions — <WPWin Keyboard>, <WPDOS 6.1 Keyboard>,
<MSWord 2002 Keyboard>, etc.
The <WPWin Keyboard> is generally pre-selected as the default. (This is the case unless the user chooses to use Microsoft Word mode or WordPerfect Classic mode using the Workspace Manager, included in WordPerfect 12 and later versions. See Corel's article here and a further discussion here.) ☼ You can
select a different
keyboard definition at any time. You don't need to restart the
program, but note that only one keyboard definition can be active at a time. ☼ You can also
create custom keyboard definitions or edit
standard definitions. This lets you more easily and quickly meet your everyday needs or use them for special purposes.
You can either [A] create a new custom keyboard based an existing one, or [B] you can copy an existing keyboard and modify it, or [C] you can simply edit an existing keyboard. See the steps below. ☼ Keyboard definitions are typically stored in your default template file.* They can also be migrated (copied) into another WordPerfect installation, either the
same program version or a newer program version. For more information
see "Updating, upgrading, or reinstalling WordPerfect" here. ☼ There are many things you can assign to shortcut keys. For example, there are many WordPerfect features (e.g.,
inserting the current file's path and name) or WordPerfect functions (e.g.,
setting line spacing) that you may find useful candidates to assign to
a key or key combination. While many of these things are pre-assigned to your menus, toolbars or keys, many of them are not. (See Step 3 below for information on locating the list of these features and functions.) You can also assign macros to shortcut keys — a quicker way to play them instead of first scrolling through a list of macros with <Alt+F10> keys or with Tools, Macro, Play. (See more about assigning macros in Footnote 2.) ☼ You can also assign these things to toolbars or a menu.
In fact, you may find that some WordPerfect features or functions are more useful when they are assigned to a toolbar
since their button icons might make them easier to locate or make them
less prone to accidental use when you are typing (since you have to use the mouse). [If this might be useful see Part 1 of this series.]
You can, however, assign them to a new or existing menu as explained in Part 3 of this series, which can make them easier to find (they can be grouped under a descriptive menu choice) if you don't use them often. ☼ Do WordPerfect's function key (F1-F12) shortcuts NOT work on your computer? See the Tips section below.
☼ Default navigation keys and text selection keys. For
a list of some default navigation and text selection shortcut keys that are used in
WordPerfect's Windows and DOS keyboard definitions see WP_shortcut_keys.pdf, a small PDF file. It is grouped according to WordPerfect's menu functions (File, Edit, etc.).
Normally, you will not want to assign other things to these default keys unless you really need to use them for a special purpose; if you do, it is always a good idea to do so with a copy of the keyboard definition, as explained below. How to do it Recommendation: If WordPerfect is currently open, close it (File, Close) and then re-launch it. Step 1. • Click on Tools, Settings, Customize to open the Customized Settings dialog.
• Click on the Keyboards tab in the Customize Settings window. You should see something like this (each WordPerfect version probably will differ slightly): • In the Available keyboards list, choose (left-click once on) either the default keyboard definition for
your version of WordPerfect (e.g., <WPWin Keyboard>) or
another keyboard definition (e.g., <WPDOS 6.1 Keyboard>).
The selected keyboard should have a blue background — such as in the image example above. This will be the "base" definition for you to build on. • Then do one of the following things.
Either click Create to create a new keyboard (based on the definition you just selected);
or click Copy to make a copy of a factory-shipped or previously customized keyboard (choosing the desired keyboard in "Select keyboards to copy") and save it under a different name; or click Edit to modify the existing keyboard.
Step 2. The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box will now be open. This is where you can make (or remove) an assignment: • Choose (i.e., click on) the shortcut key or key
combination you want to change (enable or reassign) in the left-hand "Choose a
shortcut key" drop list.
▸ You may have to scroll down a bit:
Letter- and number-key combinations
follow function key combinations (e.g., F12...) in the list. Non-alphanumeric
keys are at the end of the list (e.g., PgDn; keyboard symbols such as the backslash "\"; etc.).
You can also assign things to the separate numeric keypad (assuming your keyboard has this separate block of number keys). These combinations follow the ordinary number key (0-9) shortcuts in the list and begin with the label Num (e.g., Num 1+Ctrl). Note that these particular assigned shortcuts only work if the NumLock key on the keyboard is toggled ON. You can also assign things to single character keys (but: see next Tips below). ▸ You can go directly to a key combination: From a tip by "Jack K" on WordPerfect Universe here:
"When I open the
Keyboard Shortcuts window to edit a keyboard, the first key in the list
(F1 Help Topics) is highlighted. If it isn't highlighted, just click on
it to select that portion of the window. From that point, I just type
[i.e., simultaneously depress] the key combination that I want to edit,
i.e. Ctl-Shf-F, and the window displays the keystroke. No more
▸ Some keys cannot
be assigned since they are reserved by Windows (e.g., Enter; Home;
Print Screen, etc.). If it's not on the list you can't assign a
shortcut to it.
• Choose an
available letter or number combination — e.g., Y+Alt or 3+Ctrl. [In
this example, the assigned macro (or feature or keystrokes) will play
when you press <Alt+Y> or <Ctrl+3>.]
Step 3. Step 3a
- If the shortcut key is available (i.e., the right-hand column immediately adjacent to the shortcut key is vacant), go to Step 3b.
- If the shortcut key already has an assignment, first click on the Remove Assignment button to clear that assignment, then go to Step 3b. Step 3b -
Decide on the type of new assignment you will make from the right-hand
side of the dialog box — the area that shows these four tabs: Features, Keystrokes, Programs, or Macros.
Step 3c
- Then -
• For WordPerfect macros, click on the Macros tab (see image in Step 2). ▸ Click "Assign Macro to Key..." and select
the desired macro from those listed in the Select Macro dialog that appears. Note that on most systems this Select Macro dialog displays the program's Default macro folder shown in Tools,
Settings, Files, Merge/Macro — but you are free to navigate to a
different folder where the macro might have been previously located
(but see more on this below). ▸ Choose the desired macro's name and click the Select button.
▸ Click OK. This will assign the selected macro to the shortcut key combination. Notes Be aware that if you copy or move assigned macros later to a
different computer or a newer version of WordPerfect, this can sometimes
"break" the program's specifically assigned path to the macros (e.g., "Yes" was answered above). In such cases users often ask, Why won't my macros play anymore? If so, choose the broken shortcut assignment and click Remove Assignment; then re-assign the macro to the shortcut and answer "Save macro with full path?" appropriately. For some
information and tips on this, and the general topic of transferring
macros to another system or WordPerfect version, see here. • In the lower "Assign a feature to the shortcut key" list,
choose the feature you want to assign to the keystroke or combination,
and click on Assign Feature to Key. [You might find some features you
didn't know about by scrolling through the list and trying them out in
a test document.]
Note: Some features might be labeled slightly differently from the name you are used to. For example, Redline is listed as Attribute Redline.
So, be sure to scroll through the feature list if you can't seem to
find a feature. Clicking on a feature to select it (usually) shows an
icon and a brief description in the dialog area below the feature list.
• When done, click the "Assign Feature to Key" button. • For external programs, click the Programs tab, then the Assign Program to Key button. Locate and choose the exectuable program to play. Then click the "Assign Program to Key" button. • For keystrokes, under the Keystrokes tab, I strongly recommend that you consider using alternative methods of inserting boilerplate or multiple keystrokes, especially if you are using Windows Vista/7/8/10 and WordPerfect X3 and later versions. (See the Notes and caveats section below.) That said, the following information, while somewhat dated, might still be useful for some users. ► First, click the Keystrokes tab and in the "Type the text to be inserted..." pane enter the keystrokes, characters, or symbols you need (but be sure to see the Notes and caveats section below): ▸ For keys such as <Alt>, use {Alt}. Other examples: {Ctrl}, {Shift}, {Space}, and {Tab}. ▸ For combinations such as <Alt+F>, use {Alt+F}. ▸ For text strings such as "the," enter them directly, or if this does not work, use {t}{h}{e}. ▸ For symbols — including accented characters — press <Ctrl+W>, select the symbol (e.g. é on the International symbol set) then click Insert and Close on the Symbols dialog to return to the Keystrokes tab. Alternatively, for accented characters (diacritical marks) you can use the numeric keypad and enter the proper code found in the Windows Character Map (under Start, Windows Accessories (or in early versions: Programs, Accessories), System Tools, Character Map -or- in newer versions of Windows, use the Windows search feature and look for Character Map). For example, to enter an é in the Keystroke tab's field put the cursor in that field and type <Alt+0233> on the numeric keypad. (The leading zero is required.) Charles Rossiter (Corel
C_Tech) writes: "... I use Alt+e for e-acute, Ctrl+Shift+E for
E-grave, Alt+a for a-umlaut, Alt+Shift+O for O-umlaut, Alt+Shift+C for
C-cedilla, etc. There is no conflict with other Alt-key shortcuts
(e.g., Alt+a for T_a_ble): Alt+a gives a-umlaut [i.e., press and hold
the Alt key, then press a]; Alt,a gives T_a_ble (i.e., press and release
the Alt key, then press a)." ▸ Caution: If you use Windows XP/Vista/7 with WordPerfect X3 or later version, see the Notes and caveats section below about limitations of what you can use in the field under the Keystrokes tab.
► Finally, click the "Assign Keystrokes to Key" button. Notes and caveats relating to the Keystrokes tab ¤ There may be a limit to the
number of characters (including the left and
right braces) that you can enter into this dialog window. There are
other ways to insert large blocks of boilerplate
text, such as QuickWords.
¤ WordPerfect X3 and later versions, using Windows XP/Vista/7/8 means that what you can enter under the Keystrokes tab is limited: In Windows XP you can use only text
strings and/or WordPerfect symbols in the Keystrokes pane. You
cannot use script commands (i.e., {Alt}, {Space}, etc.).
In Windows Vista/7/8 — and with up to WordPerfect X3 — the Keystrokes tab is even more limited: You have to disable the User Access Control (UAC) in Windows Vista/7/8 to make such text/symbol keystrokes work. Even in later WordPerfect versions (e.g., WPX7) script commands still will not work, and in any case disabling the UAC is something that is not generally recommended. A small bit of good news: Text strings (including space characters) and WordPerfect symbols (<Ctrl+W>) still work in the Keystrokes tab in a fully patched WordPerfect X4 or later version. But see the Alternatives section (next). Alternatives to the Keystrokes tab Rather
than using the Keystrokes tab in conjunction with shortcut keys,
consider using other methods of inserting text — especially if using
WPX3 and later versions.
For example: ☼ You can use QuickCorrect abbreviations to replace an abbreviation with an accented character as you type the abbreviation. ☼ WordPerfect's QuickWords can insert blocks of text (such as signature blocks) and other material (e.g., format codes, graphics, tables, etc.) using a simple text abbreviation. ☼ You can use the WordPerfect symbol feature (Insert|Symbol) to insert diacritical marks by - pressing Ctrl+W, then immediately
- typing the base letter (e.g., the letter e), and then - typing the accent mark (e.g., '). Other "accent" marks you can use on the keyboard: `, ", ^, /, ~, etc. Related tip:
See this post on WordPerfect Universe, where you can download a PDF file containing a table "... listing all the possible two-character combinations used
with Ctrl+W as shortcuts for diacritical letters and various symbols. The combinations have been checked with WordPerfect X4, and there is a possibility that other combinations are available in later versions...."
☼ You can set up one or more "two-key" macros
to insert accented characters. Basically, the first key press calls the
macro, and the immediately subsequent key press inserts a specific
accented character (e.g., é). See (e.g.) Sample Macro #2 on the 2keys page here.
Assign the macro to a key (e.g., Alt+z) and when it plays it will pop
up a small dialog and get the second keystroke from you. Then the
desired accented character is typed into the document. (Some other
example macros on that page can also be used to type accented
☼ You can use various other methods to insert blocks of boilerplate text, such as using simple QuickMacros and regular macros, Insert|File, custom styles, and more. See "How to insert 'boilerplate' and/or repeating items". Close all dialogs with Close or OK.
Important If you have created a new keyboard definition (or copied an existing one) it will have a different name, so be sure to "activate" it so that you can use the new keyboard shortcut assignment(s) you just added to it: - Click on Tools, Settings, Customize to open the Customized Settings dialog. - Click on the Keyboards tab in the Customize Settings window. - Click on the new keyboard name under "Available keyboards" to select it. - Click the Select button, then Close the dialog. You can switch back or to another keyboard with these steps. Tip for quickly switching between keyboards: See Footnote 1 below. Tips on using shortcut keys / hot keys ■ For macros, features, programs, and keystrokes: ☼ You can use "reserved" keys such as
<Alt+T> (which normally accesses the Tools menu). But if you do,
the macro (or feature or program or keystrokes) will play instead of
the Tools menu opening.
However, you can still get at the reserved
For example: If you press Alt, release it, and then press T (i.e., press the keys in sequence, not simultaneously), the Tools menu will open. ☼ If you can't see underlines under the <Alt>-key letter or number on a menu or dialog, they might have been hidden in Windows. See here. ☼ Function key shortcuts / hotkeys (e.g., <Ctrl+F2> or <Alt+F3>) don't seem to work in WordPerfect?
Note: Function keys are sometimes called "F-keys" or "Fn-keys".
Old issue:
Some older keyboards (e.g., on Microsoft laptops) used a "F-Lock" key next to the F12 key. It's a toggle key: Press it to lock the F-key functions; press it again to switch to its unlocked state. Also, for Windows 7 systems see this WordPerfect Universe thread. Current issues: Some computers — particularly recent models with smaller keyboards — use function keys for dual purposes (e.g., F2/screen brightness or F10/volume adjustment) but the F-key priority is reversed (e.g., screen brightness/F2), putting F-keys in "second place". As a reult, in order to use an F-key for its original purpose you will need to depress and hold the Fn (or FN) key, which is usually located at the bottom of the computer's keyboard layout, while simultaneously pressing the F-key. Problem for WordPerfect users: This can make using a memorable WordPerfect shortcut key combination — i.e., those with a F-key as part of the shortcut, such as Ctrl+F2 — awkward at best, or impossible at worst, and is (usually) the reason for complaints such as "My function keys don't work!" Possible solutions for newer systems when the F-key priority is reversed: Since all keyboard functions are designated in the computer's hardware setup (called the BIOS, or UEFI in newer systems) you should be able to reverse the priority of the F-key assignments in the computer's BIOS/UEFI with a simple setting. This method should be explained in the computer's documentation or on its support (or user forum) site. Alternatively, some computers include a small utility program that does the same thing for you. Or they might have a dedicated "Function key lock" (F-Lock or FnLock key) — or else a keyboard shortcut — to switch priorities. (See examples below.) Any of these methods should reverse F-key assignment priorities and put F-key functions in "first place" so that WordPerfect shortcut keys like Ctrl+F2 will work as you expect. Of course, you will then need to use the Fn key to access the alternate assigned functions of those keys (screen brightness, sound volume, etc.), but this might not be too burdensome for you. In any case you can reset the priority of these keys back to their previous settings using the same method. Examples: • Some HP laptops use the Setup Utility for this. This function is located inside the BIOS/UEFI (usually accessed by pressing a key during the computer's startup), in the System Configuration area. Enabling or disabling the Action Keys Mode there switches all F-key assignments between the two F-key states: normal F-key functions and alternative functions. Again, this method should be explained in the computer's documentation or on its support (or user forum) site. • On a Dell XPS 13 laptop (c.2018) there's an even simpler method that uses a keyboard shortcut to reverse the priority of the F-key assignments. From that Dell's Setup guide: "Press Fn+Esc to switch the primary behavior of the function keys (F1-F12) between two modes - multimedia key mode and function key mode." [This shortcut key method seems designed to replace a dedicated FnLock key, and may be used by other manufacturers. For example, some Lenovo computers appear to use tthis key-combination to toggle the F-keys mode.] For specific instructions for your particular system, search your computer's user guide(s), support site, or user forums. You can also try searching the Internet for something like "change function keys F1-F12 to old settings," "reverse function keys," "change function keys," "invert function keys," etc. Be sure to look for your specific computer brand, and perhaps the model as well. ■ For MACROS only — "Control-key" macros and "two-key" macros: ☼ "Control-key" macros are macros with special filenames.
If customizing your keyboard (see above) is not
an option you might be able to use an old WordPerfect trick to play a
favorite macro:
Give the macro a filename such as ctrlx.wcm or ctrlsftx.wcm, where "x" is a keyboard letter from A to Z or a number from 0 to 9. WordPerfect recognizes macro file names that use "Ctrl" and "CtrlSft" (notice there's no "hi" in the "shift" part of the filename) as special macro names. So, for example, if you press <Ctrl+9> or <Ctrl+Shft+9> the macro named Ctrl9.wcm or CtrlSft9.wcm will play. This give you 72 possible control-key macro filenames to use to launch a macro. Note: Control-key macros should usually be located in your default or supplemental macro folder, as discussed in step 3c above. These folders are where the program will automatically look for these macros. If the <Ctrl+(key)>
combination you want to use as a macro filename has already been
assigned in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog then that existing keyboard
assignment will take precedence over any macro on disk with the same
filename as the key combination.
For example (in WordPerfect 10 and later versions), <Ctrl+1> normally inserts single spacing and <Ctrl+2> inserts double spacing — neither of which might be obvious when you press these keys. In this case, a macro on disk named Ctrl1.wcm will not play automatically when you press <Ctrl+1>, since these keys have already been assigned. You can check and verify if the key combination is already assigned by opening the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog (see Steps 1 & 2 above). You may be able to change the current control-key assignment or remove it altogether to allow the named Control-key macro to play. However ... Be aware that if you remove assignments from <Ctrl+(key)> or <Ctrl+Shft+(key)> combinations, and you also do not have a correspondingly named macro on your system, then — since these are specially recognized shortcuts by WordPerfect — you will see a small error message pop up when you press these keys: "Macro ctrlx.wcm (or ctrlsftx.wcm) not found". The solution is to reassign something to these special control-key(s) — even a blank macro file if you simply want to "disable" the empty shortcut assignment and its error message. Important:
This trick assumes that the assigned Control-key macro exists in your default macros folder, which is
specified in Tools, Settings, Files, Merge/Macro. This is where WordPerfect looks for such special macros.
☼ See also "Two-key" macros
which can help organize related macros or tasks under a common
keystroke combination.
Examples of using a shortcut keyYou then can use the same shortcut key combination (e.g., Alt+z) to play a macro, and then separately (i.e., sequentially) press any of several other alphanumeric keys (e.g., "1") or menu choices to perform some action.
For example, you could use "<Alt+z>,1" for a specific task. You could then use "<Alt+z>,2" for another task, and so forth. Tip: A related type of macro is a "two-tap" or "double strike" macro, which uses the same key, pressed twice in sequence, to play a macro. See the Advanced section below. Example #1 - Starting an Outline Suppose you want to bring up the Outline feature quickly, using the keyboard instead of clicking on Insert, Outline/Bullets, OK. • Click on Tools, Settings,
Customize, then the Keyboards tab.
• Select the keyboard you want to edit (e.g., <WPWin Keyboard>), then click on Edit to bring up the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. [As mentioned above under step 1, some users may feel more comfortable with customizing a new keyboard or a copy of the current keyboard definition, and leave their default keyboard alone.] • In the left pane, scroll down to an available key combo that you want to use (e.g., O+Alt) and select it with your mouse. [Don't be put off by the listing of the letter "O" before the "Alt" key. The conventional way to refer to this particular shortcut is the more familiar "Alt+O". It's the same key combination.] • On the right side of the dialog, use Feature Categories to select the Insert category, then in the lower pane select Outline Body Text. • Click on Assign Feature to Key, and also (optionally) enable the "Shortcut key appears on menu" checkbox so that you'll see in in WP's Insert menu. • Click on OK, then Close (twice). Now, when you press <Alt+O> the outline should start.Example #2 - Deleting words the way Microsoft Word deletes them Microsoft Word allows you to press <Ctrl+Backspace> to delete the previous word, even if there's a space after the word. In WordPerfect, this key combination works only if there is no space.UpdateMethod 1 (for any WordPerfect version) • Click on Tools, Settings,
Customize. Select the keyboard to edit under the Keyboards tab, then
click the Edit button. The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog appears.
• In the left pane, choose a shortcut key for the "delete the previous word" feature, such as <Left+Ctrl+Alt>, which will activate the feature when you hold down the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys, then press the <Left Arrow> key. • Under the Features tab on the right side of the dialog, in the Feature categories list, select the Edit category. Scroll down in the "Assign..." list to Delete Word Begin and select it. Then click on Assign Feature to Key. • Repeat the process for the "delete the next word" feature, using <Right+Ctrl+Alt> and Delete Word. (Not Delete Word End, since that just deletes remaining letters in the current word.) • Click OK when you are finished, then Close.
Advanced users (and many beginners, too) "Two tap" (a.k.a. "double tap," "double strike," or "double press") macros
are macros that are played by two consecutive presses of the same
single alphanumeric key and can be constructed using the
format in the examples below. [Note: This is not the same thing as a "Two key" macro (here), which is played by first pressing one assigned shortcut key (e.g., Alt+Z) to start the macro, then immediately pressing a second assigned key (e.g., 2) to perform a desired action. In other words it is played using two different
keys in sequence: <Alt+Z>,2. This method has much greater
flexibility because you can assign many similar activities to a common
shortcut key; however, it requires writing the macro and assigning
choices for the second keys. (But should not be very difficult for
moderately experienced users.)] Two tap macros can be useful to quickly play a favorite macro or one that must be played multiple times to process some text. You should note, however, that most
alphanumeric keys are not very good candidates to use to play a
macro this way, since there are many letters and numbers that might
appear twice in a particular word or number. You could use upper case
(by pressing the <Shift> key), but some might find this awkward. The
three best cadidates to use for two tap macros probably are the ` (back quote) and = (equals) keys on the top row of your
keyboard and the \ (backslash) key. These keys are normally not found twice in sequence in
most user text. The backquote (`) key is used in the following examples. Example 1 - Change multiple spaces to a tab
☼ You can
create "three tap"or even
"four tap"
macros by having the macro (that is assigned to the alphanumeric key) check the
number of instances of that character that appear to the left of the
last instance. If (for a three tap macro) the character appears two
times, then the third press of the key would cause the two characters
to be deleted and the macro to execute other commands.
Copy the code below and save it in your macros folder, then assign the macro to the ` key — just to the left of the "1" key on the top row of your keyboard — using the procedure described in the "How to do it" sections above. [When you get to the Keyboard Shortcuts list in Step 2 above, you must enable (i.e., tick) the "Allow assignment of character keys" checkbox to change the list to the alphanumeric key list. Scroll down in that list. The ` key item is located just above the left brace ( { ) in the list.] Note again that this macro uses — is assigned to — the ` key on your keyboard. Thereafter, pressing the ` key once will type a ` character, as usual. Pressing it twice consecutively will cause the typed character to be deleted and the screen to refresh itself, and place the cursor location (as far as it is possible to do so) in the center of the screen, vertically. // Macro begins here
Example 3 - Add highlighting to either the word under the cursor or add highlighting to selected text. Notes
¤ WordPerfect has a manual highlight tool: Tools, Highlight, On. See the program's Help (F1) and search for "highlight".
It's an On/Off toggle tool, which can also remove existing highlighting from selected text with Tools, Highlight, Off. ¤ Tools, Highlight, Print/Show must be enabled on that sub-menu to see or print highlighted text. You can turn it off temporarily if you want to print a document without the highlighting. Method First, be sure the program's highlight color is the one you want to use. The factory default is yellow. To change it: On the main menu, click Tools, Highlight, Color (or just use the down arrow selector on the main toolbar's highlighting button) and choose a different color (and optionally, a shade percentage). Any color you choose will be "sticky" and remain active between WordPerfect sessions. Then, assign the macro below to the key — e.g., the ` key to the left of the "1" key as explained in Example 1 above. Here's how: Copy the code below and save it in your macros folder, then assign the macro to the ` key — just to the left of the "1" key on the top row of your keyboard — using the procedure described in the "How to do it" sections above. [When you get to the Keyboard Shortcuts list in Step 2 above, you must enable (i.e., tick) the "Allow assignment of character keys" checkbox to change the list to the alphanumeric key list. Scroll down in that list. The ` key item is located just above the left brace ( { ) in the list.] // Macro begins here -
If (?LeftChar="`") // if there's a ` character is on the left - DeleteCharPrevious // - delete the character // The "working" part of the macro begins here - If(?BlockActive=False) SelectWord Endif HighlightToggle Else Type ("`") // - type a ` character Endif Quit // Macro ends here Example 3a - An alternative to Example 3.
If you are sure you never use the ` key for other purposes, you could simply assign this alternative macro to that key. The macro would then need just one press of that ` key. // Macro begins here -
If(?BlockActive=False) SelectWord Endif HighlightToggle Quit // Macro ends here Alternatively, you could assign the one-key macro to a new, custom keyboard (i.e., a copy of your normal keyboard definition as described in Step 1 above) — perhaps one that you use for "marking up" a draft document. See Footnote 1 about quickly switching between keyboard definitions. |
Footnote 1 Quickly switching between keyboard definitions: You can enable a keyboard icon () on the status bar (WordPerfect calls it the Application Bar) at the bottom of the WordPerfect window. [If you don't see the Application Bar, go to the main menu and enable the View, Application Bar menu option.] Right-click
the Application Bar,
choose Settings, then check the Keyboard option, then click OK. Thereafter you can click that icon and choose a different keyboard from the Customize Settings dialog list, then click Select. Tip: There are some instructions displayed on the Application Bar's Settings dialog about moving an item on the bar, etc.• You can also switch keyboards by using a small recorded macro (Tools, Macro, Record) assigned to a key or toolbar. (Assigning such macros to a toolbar has the advantage of always being available no matter which keyboard you use. If you assign such macros in a particular keyboard definition, you may want to assign similar macros to the "target" definition's keys so as to be able to switch back to the original (or other) definition.) • Custom keyboards can also be made to appear automatically when you load a new document based on a custom template, by means of - [A] a template macro that uses KeyboardSelect()
when the template is used to load a new document. You
will need to create the keyboard and then create a small template macro
in the custom template that is triggered by the Post New trigger.
(N.B.: Template macros and other aspects of automating templates can be
found in the author's Automating
WordPerfect Templates.);
or - [B] associating the keyboard with any of eleven (11) predefined features (or options), such as when you are in a footnote, header, outline, table, or the main document, etc. See "Automatically associate a personalized keyboard or menu with a template." Footnote 2 To directly play a specific macro using a desired combination of keys — in contrast to playing a macro by choosing one from a list with the standard <Alt+F10> keys or with Tools, Macro, Play — you should first ensure the macro exists on your system. (This might seem obvious, but sometimes macros are moved or removed by others.) If it does not exist you will need to create the macro first — either by recording it (with <Ctrl+F10 or Tools, Macro, Record), downloading it from a site such as this one, copying the code from somewhere, or by writing the code for it, or by a combination of these methods — and then save it in either your Default or Supplemental macros folder (which are specified in Tools, Settings, Files, Merge/Macro) These folders are where WordPerfect will look for the macro when you play them in the usual way with <Alt+F10> or with Tools, Macro, Play. Exception:
Macros can be placed in a
folder other than the ones specified in the Tools, Settings, Files,
Merge/Macro tab — but
this should be done only if they are played with a toolbar button,
keyboard shortcut, or menu item that contains the full Windows path to
them (specified in Step 3c above).
However, this makes them more difficult to maintain since you will need to remember to edit the buttons, shortcuts, or menus (with Tools, Settings, Customize) to change their paths if you upgrade or install WordPerfect on another system. [This situation is often responsible for users asking, Why won't my macros play anymore?] Footnote 3 ☼ Need a printed list of currently assigned shortcut keys? In WordPerfect 11 (c.2003) and later versions: • Click on Tools, Settings, Customize to open the Customized Settings dialog.
• Click on the "Keyboards" tab in the Customize Settings window, then select the keyboard definition you are using. • Click Edit to edit the keyboard definition. • The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box will now be open. This is where you can make (or remove) an assignment. • Click the Print Report button to print a list of current shortcut key assignments. • Done.
☼ Need to see an on-screen display of your keyboard's currently assigned shortcuts? There's a (long)
thread on WordPerfect Universe that includes a pair of macros to do
just that -- by displaying a "Virtual Keyboard Template." See post #65 here (some adjacent posts show these macros were updated in August 2020).