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MacDonnell's Macros,
tips, and templates for Corel®
WordPerfect® for Windows® |
https://wptoolbox.com/tips.html Page updated Sep 9, 2024 |
Tips & Tricks [Main Tips Page] |
"A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved." - Dorothea Brande (1893-1948) American Writer and Editor |
Section 1: Automating
and tasks Section 2: Automating templates Section 3: Formatting and structuring text Section 4: Menus, toolbars, property bars and keyboards Section 5: Miscellaneous tips and tricks Section 6: Other "tips" sites Section 7: Updating, upgrading, or reinstalling See also - A list of over 150 related Tips pages and the Site Map • Use your keyboard's Ctrl+F to find topics of interest on this (or any) page only. • Use the Google site search box above to search the entire Toolbox site (to refine your searches using Google see the Google site here). |
New WordPerfect users: • How familiar are you with WordPerfect? • Need help with basic WordPerfect features? • Need a User Guide or a good reference? • Searching for something in particular? • Migrating from Micosoft Word? |
☼ [Sticky>>] See the Library page's Section 1 for macros that help automate documents and tasks. [More...] ☼ [Sticky>>] How to set default formatting for new documents: A step-by-step guide. [More...] ☼ [Sticky>>] Some basic information about WordPerfect templates, including how to create your own custom templates. [More...] ☼ [Sticky>>] Some resources for creating macros and templates. [More...] ☼ [Sticky>>] Customizing WordPerfect - Three easy ways to play macros, load programs, type (insert) keystrokes, or use built-in WordPerfect features by customizing toolbars, property bars, keyboards, and menus. [More...] [See also Section 4 below] ☼ Quickly load a letterhead or other document based on a custom template with a mouse click or hot key. [More...] ☼ Inserting 'boilerplate' and other repeating items with QuickWords, QuickCorrect, QuickMacros, shortcut (or "hot") keys, templates, floating cells, styles, text variables, and the Corel ClipBook. [More...] ☼ Automatic numbering of paragraphs and list items: Starting, stopping, and toggling the automatic numbering (and bullet) feature -and- some tips and tricks for using automatic paragraph numbering, outlines, and numbered (or bulleted) lists. [More...] ☼ Using the merge feature (a.k.a. "mail merge"). [More...} ☼ Custom text styles: Creating text styles to instantly apply custom formatting - Saving custom styles to your default (or other) template - Retrieving custom (user) styles from another document or template - How to remove the new style from the default template. [More...] ☼ Enhance the Find and Replace feature. [More...] ☼ Automate your current session tasks with a QuickMacro. [More...] ☼ How to stamp a document with "Draft," "Copy," or other identifiers. [More...] ☼ Creating sheets of identical labels and cards: Methods to quickly fill up Avery® sheets to make duplicate return address labels, shipping labels, business cards, etc. Which is best? [More...] ☼ Using two printer trays: Print or merge your letterhead from one printer tray and the second sheets from another tray, and keep the same formatting from record to record. ☼ Filling in forms using WordPerfect. [More...] ☼ Automatically associate a personalized keyboard or menu with a template so that the keyboard or menu will appear automatically when you open a new document based on the template. [More...] ☼ Customize the return address on envelopes with graphics and font attributes. [More...] ☼ Drag-and-drop other program shortcut icons from the Windows desktop to WordPerfect's toolbar or a property bar for quick access to those programs. • Be
sure they
are shortcuts (they will have a small arrow on the icon); left-click on
one of them and drag it to the WordPerfect toolbar or property bar
(note that the latter may be a context-sensitive bar, so it may not
always be visible).
• To reposition it, just hold down the <Alt> key and drag the icon to a new location. • To remove it later, just hold down the <Alt> key and drag the icon from the toolbar or property bar. ☼ Quickly change printers: • If you want to easily print a document or an
envelope to a different
printer from the one normally used to print your document, then return
the printer setting to the default, see this
on WordPerfect Universe. It demonstrates a couple of macros for the
purpose. (You can easily copy the macro code into WordPerfect; see here for instructions. Or see the final
download post here
by Klaus Pfeiffer for the ready-to-use expanded version for WP8+.)
• See also "How to quickly change printers (WP8+) back to the default after printing to a different printer or faxing the document." • See also "Print envelopes to another printer..." here. ☼ Grammatik
(on the Tools menu): More than a grammar checker and writing style
analyst, Grammatik can check spelling, flag duplicate adjacent words
and punctuation (such as might occur with cutting/copying and pasting),
and more. See Help (F1 key; Index tab) for "grammar," "writing styles,"
"writing tools," and related topics. ☼ Macros and templates - Some links to
several "How To" sites to help you create your own macros and
templates. [More...] ☼ Master documents and Subdocuments - Notes and tips (and an automation macro on the same page). [More...] ☼ How to make WordPerfect play a macro or set some display settings each time it loads. [More...] ☼ More about customizing menus, toolbars,
property bars, and keyboards to help save time, automate your
tasks, etc. - see Section 4 below. ... Browse an alphabetical list of all related (linked) pages ... [Page top]
Browse an
alphabetical list of all related (linked) Tips pages Page Top |
☼ [Sticky>>] Automating WordPerfect Templates.pdf - Revised 08/15/18; 610,443 bytes, 42 pages. For WordPerfect versions 8-X9+. [See the file's Table of Contents.]
"Automating WordPerfect Templates" is a comprehensive PDF
document about creating prompts (with WordPerfect's Prompt Builder), bookmarks, and template macros (optional) in a
WordPerfect 8 or later version template to help you automate templates.
[A PDF viewer such as the free Adobe
Reader is required to read it.]
It is
particularly useful as a "How To" guide on creating letterheads or
other automated documents such as invoices, fax cover sheets, memos,
orders, etc., that are based on a custom
Even if you don't need to employ all
the features covered in the article, it can serve as a reference for
future use. [This file is also included with an automated letterhead
template in the Library, here.]
Note that certain other things that can
be considered methods to automate your writing (e.g., custom styles, boilerplate) or tasks (e.g., shortcut keys, toolbars) are not covered in that PDF
document. For these topics see Section 1 above and also the Browse link
in the left column.
Note that the word
"template" has a specific meaning in WordPerfect.
See the first section of Automating WordPerfect Templates,
"What is a template?" Many users often mistakenly believe a template is
any file they use over and over. This can lead to confusion --
especially when seeking help from advanced users, who know it is a
separate file on disk. Quoting from the article:
WordPerfect, a template is a document on your disk with a special
filename extension, ".wpt," where the "t" stands for "template". Think
of it as a stencil or model that you can use to make copies of the
original. ... Like other word processors, every document you create in
WordPerfect is based on a template. Even new, empty documents with
names like Document1 are based on a special template, called the default template.
... Templates—whether default or custom—define formatting and program
options for a document such as margins, tab settings, styles, menus,
toolbars, and keyboard definitions. ...
• For
information about templates -- both the default template
and custom
templates --
see this page.
☼ Predefined
automated templates:
☼ Automatically insert the current date as (unchanging) text (not as a changeable format code) in a letterhead or template. [More...]
☼ Fill in portions of a letterhead or other "form" document based on a template using a macro or a simple keyboard merge. [More...]
☼ Load
a letter (or any
other template document) with a
mouseclick. [More...]
☼ "Trigger"
a macro from inside a template
to play automatically when specific events occur
as you use the template, such as when you print the document. For
example, you could automatically
run the spell checker before printing a document. [More...]
... Browse an alphabetical list of all related (linked) pages ...
[Page top]
[Section top]
Browse an
alphabetical list of all related (linked) Tips pages Page Top |
☼ [Sticky>>] See the Library's Section 2 for macros that help format and structure
text. [More...]
☼ [Sticky>>] What is "Reveal Codes"? What it can
do for you, and some resources and tips on using it. [More...]
☼ [Sticky>>] Making
quick, global changes to common types of text formatting: Want
to replace underlines
with italics? Redline with bold? Pause at each instance found for your confirmation? See the Replace Codes macro which can do
these things from a single menu. [More...]
☼ [Sticky>>] Headers, Footers, and Watermarks -
how to start, stop, suppress, edit, change, replace, delay, overlay,
and remove them. [More...]
☼ [Sticky>>] Numbering things in WordPerfect -
Various topics on numbering pages, paragraphs, and other items. [More...]
☼ Working in the margins (i.e., the area outside page margin guidelines) - some tips
You can use <Ctrl+Shift+Tab> or <Shft+Tab> to enter a hard
back tab (a.k.a., "margin release") to outdent the first line of a
paragraph. [More...][related here]
• Page numbering "outside" the margins. [More...]
• Create text labels outside a document's page margins, along the
edge of the page(s). [More...]
• Create a user-specified "background fill" for the page,
extending to outside page margins (or at any desired printable
location). [More...]
• Create a fixed, user-specified line border around pages outside
page margins (or at any desired printable location). [More...]
• Automatically number all lines of text outside page margins
with Format> Line> Numbering. Enable (tick) the checkbox "Turn
line numbering on". Set the Position to "Outside left margin". (See
also How to number the lines in
WordPerfect columns below.)
• Create an outdented outline or numbered list. [More...]
• Over-ride the page margin(s) -- e.g. to extend the bottom page
margin to add (e.g.) a footnote in what is normally the non-printable
area set by your printer. See this tip on WordPerfect Universe. Method:
Use File, Page Setup, Add... (or use Format, Page, Page Setup, Add...)
and name and define a custom page size with a length longer than your
current one; then pick and use it at the top of the document.
☼ Convert mailing addresses to upper case
without commas and periods (full stops) using a macro (to conform with
suggested U.S. postal guidelines). [More...]
☼ Underlining the spaces between characters
and words,
and the thickness and style of the underlines in general, is controlled
in WordPerfect by the "Text & Spaces" setting in Format, Font,
Underline [tab].
• If Text & Spaces is enabled
in that dialog you'll get underlined spaces, which is preferred by most
• Note that trailing spaces in a selection might be underlined,
too, which is generally not
desirable. The latter can happen in WordPerfect 10 and later version
due to a disabled (by
default) setting in Tools, Settings, Environment: "Use WordPerfect 9
text selection." For more on this see here.
• You can remove underlining -- or change it to something else
such as italics -- wherever it occurs in a document with a macro such
as the one here.
☼ Need symbols?
WordPerfect installs about 24 special TrueType symbol fonts with file
names (on disk) that begin with "WP". These should appear in the
Insert, Symbol dialog. [More...]
☼ How to number the lines in columns (created with Format, Columns)
☼ Using shortcut keys, tabs, and indents in columns (created with Format, Columns)
• For many built-in shortcut keys useful in columns see the PDF, "WordPerfect for Windows shortcut keys for the Windows and DOS keyboards" (14 pages) and search the document for "column" (~18 hits).
• Some related tips:
• Using tabs, indents, or hanging indents (Format, Paragraph, Hanging Indent) in columns
requires that tab settings be visible on the ruler above each column
where tabs, etc., are to be used. If you clear all tabs (with Format,
Line, Tab Set, Clear All) in columnar formatting, tabs, indents, and
hanging indents will not be functional in those columns.
• Clearing all tab settings in columns
with Format, Line, Tab Set, "Clear All" can be useful when you want to
use custom tabs or indents in columns that might have existing tab
settins. Just select the columnar text, clear all tabs, and then add
your new tab settings.
• Note that tab setting (tab stop) changes in columns will "flow"
into the next column when you use Ctrl+Enter to shift typing to the
next column, and remain in effect until you change them again. The
"flowing" of tab settings makes sense, since if you delete the column
definition ([Col Def)] all text reverts to normal margin-to-margin text
(i.e., "one column") and custom tab settings will remain in effect at
their previously designated locations -- as expected.
• Using smaller tab settings
(e.g., 0.25") in columns can improve the appearance of the text in the
columns since the "white space" resulting from tabs or indents is more
proportional to the column width than the 0.5" default. [For a macro to
help do this with a couple of mouse clicks see TabSet25 in the Library.]
• For more information about using the 24 tab types available in WordPerfect see Tab settings in WordPerfect.
☼ Need fancy page borders? Or
end-of-paragraph symbols or characters ("enders")?
• You can get some "fancy" borders with Format, Page, Border/Fill, and click the drop list, "Border Type". (See also here for other ways to create graphic borders.)
• Also, there is a shipping macro to produce "enders": PARABRK.WCM. Just use Tools, Macro, Play, and type "parabrk" in the dialog. It should pop up a small dialog to let you choose an ender. (You can also assign the macro to a keyboard shortcut, toolbar, or menu: See here.) Tip: After you insert some enders, look in Reveal Codes and you will see how the macro has entered them. You should then be able to create your own by recoding a macro (Tools, Macro, Record) to insert symbols (Ctrl+w) or other characters.
☼ Need a different
look in your document's headings?
This tip is NOT about headers.]
Here are just a few things you can do
with headings:
☼ "Stepped" style headings: Copy the styles (screen shot) directly from the documents in
(which demonstrate these styles) into your default template, or use the
manual procedure explained in the documents to create your own
☼ "Close up" the space between
a heading (or other paragraph) style and the following paragraph: see here.
☼ Automatically number Legal,
Standard, and Roman style headings: see here.
☼ To set up headings to the
left of
the page's body text such as found in many non-fiction books and
manuals you can use WordPerfect's
columns feature. [Screen shot
in Page view] [Screen shot
in Print Preview]
☼ To create outdented
section headings with graphic lines in the space under them that extend
to the right margin see and example and the method here. (Includes a customizable macro to automate their creation and use.)
☼ See also: Styles (general information and links to other pages on this site concerning styles).
☼ Do you want to import a web page (or a selection of text) into
WordPerfect with formatting and (embedded) images intact?
For the whole web page:
In WordPerfect X9 (and perhaps most earlier
versions; e.g., it was originally tested in WPX4) you can copy the web page's address
(i.e., the URL) from your browser's Address field to the Windows clipboard,
then paste that address into WordPerfect's File, Open, File name field.
(But see Notes below.)
When you click Open the program should then convert it to an ordinary
WordPerfect document. [Thanks to Roy "lemoto" Lewis on WordPerfect Universe for this tip.]
• Linked
images will be missing after WordPerfect converts the web page, since
it has no access to them. Also, hypertext links to related pages on
that web page's site (e.g., relative links) won't work,
and there might be some strange characters included with the converted
text -- typically representing items that could not be converted.
• This tip might not work in all versions of WordPerfect, perhaps due to changes in the program and/or changes in Windows. (However, as of May 2019 it worked in WordPerfect X9 under Windows 10 (1809).)
For a selection of text from a web page in a way that retains its original formatting when it is pasted into WordPerfect?
A recent WordPerfect Universe thread (October 8, 2021) shows a method (posted here) that uses the Corel utility Lightning (included since WordPerfect Office X8) to do the job. The general steps described there are:
1. Select the text material directly from the web page and copy it (Ctrl+c) to the clipboard.
2. Open WordPerfect Lightning (see the Windows Start menu, under your WordPerfect Office choice); then open a
New Note in Lightning; then paste the copied selection into that note
(it can be deleted later if desired).
3. On the Lighning toolbar, click the Send To icon, then choose "Send to Word Processor".
This will send (paste) the material into a WordPerfect document -- including the original formatting (at least in my brief test). I don't know if there is a limit to the selected material but it's worth testing.
As noted on the WordPerfect Universe thread it's a bit cumbersome but it might do the job to your satisfaction.
☼ Do you want to open a document in Read-Only mode?
Here are two methods:
Method A
If you have enabled
(ticked) Tools, Settings, Files, "Use enhanced file dialogs" then you
can use File, Open and click the button at the bottom of that dialog, Open as Copy. That button will let you open a copy of any document on disk as a read-only copy.
note that you can still modify it and save it (e.g., with Ctrl+S),
though in recent WordPerfect versions the program will open a Save File
dialog and offer a different file name based on the first line of
Still, this might not be your preference, so see Method B which will
first display an "Access Denied" message followed by the Save File
dialog, etc.
(Related note: See the tip just above which requires this box to be disabled. The Open File dialog will then appear in standard Windows format.)
Method B
A small macro can change the current open document's Windows attribute to Read Only. See MakeReadOnly in the Library.
☼ Do you use full
justification and also use two
spaces at the end of a sentence?
In WordPerfect X4 (and perhaps other versions), the printed pages might show some lines that are not fully justified -- even though they appear to be fully justified on your screen. This seems to be due to using two spaces between sentences (which can be done automatically by WordPerfect as you type with an option in Tools, QuickCorrect, Format-As-You-Go). A solution is to use just one space to terminate sentences in such documents, unless there is an real need for extra spaces at that location.
tip: The DeSpacer macro can
help remove all existing extra spaces in a document.
WP11/12/X3 had a problem with the "Change two spaces to one space
between sentences" setting (in Format-As-You-Go) previously mentioned;
see here for the solution.
☼ Line Breaks:
Moving down a line without using the <Enter> key
Just press <Ctrl+Shift+L>
to begin a new line of text.
This gives some of the same effect as pressing
<Enter> — but it is interpreted by WordPerfect as a break in the line, not as an end of the current paragraph.
A line break
can prevent indented
paragraph text (including outlines, lists, and bullet text) from
"wrapping" around to the left margin on the next line. Instead, it immediately positions
the cursor directly under the
current indentation location,
not at the left margin. Hence, a line break goes
straight "down a line" from previously indented text. (If the previous
text is not indented the cursor will be positioned at the left margin
after the line break, as expected.)
Related points:
1. A "line" as used here can mean a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph.
2, Such a break in the line can also automatically occur in auto-numbered lists, bulleted lists, and outlines when you press <Enter> — which is why they wrap at the current indent location and not at the margin.
3. In Reveal Codes
line breaks are indicated by a [Ln Brk] code, and paragraph breaks are
usually indicated by either a [HRt] code or a [Para Style] code. (A paragraph style contains an internal [HRt] code.) All of them
tell WordPerfect where to break the text and start a new line — but it's
the type of "breaking" code (line or paragraph) that tells WordPerfect where to begin the following line.
If you need to create individual
lines or paragraphs inside a block of text to which a paragraph style was applied — including WordPerfect's built-in Heading styles,
outline and bullet lists, automatically numbered lists, or
paragraph borders (Format, Paragraph) — that preserves
both the existing paragraph style's formatting (and any automatic
numbering) at that location and the same paragraph indentation
(see Format, Paragraph, Indent) as preceding material, a line break
can do the job.
Related tips:
▸ If you want
to add a toolbar button for quick access to the Line Break feature, see
the tip in the footnote on the AutoNumb.html
page here.
▸ You can also assign the keyboard shortcut for a Line Break to some other available key or key combination: See the Assign page here; the feature is found under the Feature category "Insert" on the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog.
▸ If
you have already typed several lines and/or paragraphs of text you can
indent an entire block of them without
using line breaks after each one by simply selecting
the paragraphs and using Format, Paragraph, Indent -- or by using the
F7 key or the F4 key (DOS keyboard) shortcuts. If you re-select those
items, Shift+Tab will remove the indentation from them. [Similarly, you
could create a custom Paragraph style
to apply to the selected items, which would indent all of them.
Additional formatting (e.g., a different font or size, etc.) can be
included in such a style, if desired. Further, such styles can be
automatically updated so that a change to one instance changes all of
them wherever they exist in the document.]
☼ First
Line Indents
If you use
Format, Paragraph, Format, "First line indent" (usually, this is done
starting at the top of your document) it will automatically indent the first line of all
following paragraphs a specified amount (i.e., indent any text
ending with a hard return or equivalent).
It is similar
(but not identical) to using a Tab at the beginning of the first line
of each paragraph. A tab sets the text starting at the next tab stop; a first line indent sets
the line to a given dimension
(e.g., 0.3" or whatever amount you choose).
Some writers
prefer this feature to help reduce the need to press the Tab key at the
beginning of every paragraph -- especially if they haven't done so
already on multiple pages of existing text. It's quick and easy.
Note, however, that paragraph styles (e.g., WordPerfect's 5
built-in Heading styles or any
user-customized paragraph styles) further in the document might also
become automatically indented because -- as paragraphs -- they will "inherit"
this setting. This might not be what
you want. There's a workaround on the "Reduce spacing between a Paragraph heading
style..." page under the "Other
tips and workarounds" section. [Hint:
It simply requires editing the Heading style in the document to add a pair
of First Line Indent codes to the style; the first code should be set
to a value greater that zero and the second code, which will take
precedence, should be set to zero.]
☼ The Shadow Cursor feature
☼ The
Table of Authorities feature
☼ Ever wonder what those items
in Format, Line, Other Codes do? See here.
☼ What
are those [Ignore...] codes on the page? Why won't the applied formatting take
when you get an [Ignore...] code it means that WordPerfect cannot do
something at that point because it is either not allowed, superfluous
and not needed, or some other code is interfering with or taking
precedence over your manually entered codes. Open Reveal Codes
(<Alt+F3>) and check all format codes that precede the current
location to see if there are any that might be taking precedence.
You might also have to edit the initial [Open Style: DocumentStyle]
code at the top of the document (double-click it in Reveal Codes) to
check for hidden formatting that might be causing the problem. This
style code contains many of the current document's formatting codes
from the default template or custom template, and it might
have been edited or changed from its usual setting.
☼ Numbering table rows, wrapping text around
a table, sorting tables, and other WordPerfect table tips: See here.
☼ Outline
• If you select text and click
Format, Font, Outline the text will be printed in outline form (i.e., with
borders around the characters and with no fill in the characters'
• However, unless you use a font that was designed to display on
in outline form, such as the Corel-supplied Swiss721 BlkOul BT, it will
show on screen only as a normal font. You will need to print the page
to see the outline font.
• Sometimes, Publishing to PDF will not reproduce the outline
font except
for those fonts that can display the outline form on screen. Workaround: Use something like PDF995 to produce a PDF with the
outline font. [Thanks to Charles Rossiter for these tips.]
☼ Need
help with page numbering? See here
for both basic information and over a dozen linked tips pages related
to using page numbering in WordPerfect.
☼ Need
to convert numbers or currency to their text equivalent? For
example, you can convert $123.45 to One Hundred Twenty-Three and 45/100
Dollars ($123.45) with Mike Koenecke's ConvNum macro. You can convert
normal numbers, dollars, pounds, euros, yen, etc. [For an example on using Mike's macro during a merge see the footnote here.]
☼ Setting
decimal font sizes in WordPerfect -- 11.5 point, 12.7 point,
etc. -- and even font sizes larger than 72 points.
There are two ways to do it. [More...]
☼ Check
boxes: Here are several
methods that create check boxes with an "x" or check mark inside them.
☼ Can you set a "default font"
for ALL documents -- existing and new -- or just for new ones?
See this
at WordPerfect Universe (see also the other suggestions at the end of
the thread -- especially those about NOT using File, Document, Default
☼ Need to create a
horizontal bar symbol (an "over bar" or "overline") over a letter, such
as an "X-bar"? Use WordPerfect's built-in
Overstrike feature
• Click Format, Typesetting,
Overstrike and type the letter in the field (e.g., "x").
• Then press <Ctrl+W>. Look for symbol 1,21 (i.e., an
overbar symbol) and choose it.
• Click Insert & Close, then OK.
The symbol should appear in your document. In Reveal Codes you'll see an [Ovrstk]
code which can be selected and turned into a QuickWord
for easy access later.
Related tips:
☼ For another method to create a horizontal bar over more than one letter, see "Continuous Overbar on Multiple Characters" in this thread on WordPerfect Universe.]
☼ Using the WordPerfect Overstrike
feature you can also insert some
text format codes (bold, superscript, Large, etc.) with the Codes
button on the Overstrike dialog. This might be useful to emphasize or
elevate the symbol above the letter. For example, to put a small right
arrow ("vector notation") above a letter:
Note that you can double-click on the [OvrStk] code to edit these items.
☼ An alternative to the tip above, to produce the small arrow over a letter ("vector notation"): See this post on WordPerfect Universe for a "raw code" macro you can copy into WordPerfect that has a few options to produce vector notation.
☼ WordPerfect's
Publish to PDF (Portable Document Format) feature:
Here are some tips.
☼ Saving custom styles
to your default (or other) template; importing
custom styles from other documents (even ones you didn't
create); and removing new styles
from your template when you don't need them anymore: See here.
☼ Adding graphical emphasis to
text: How to create custom
paragraph/page border or fill styles.
☼ Automatic paragraph
numbering, outlines, and numbered lists: Some things you can do
☼ Need to create numbered
paragraphs or item lists automatically so that
numbers change when you add or delete items? Tired of WordPerfect
turning automatic paragraph numbering
on whenever you type a "number-plus-tab" (e.g., 1.<tab>) to
create a list? This is a QuickCorrect feature, called "QuickBullets." Here's how to quickly turn this feature
on/off, along with several other tips
to remove them, change them, create new outline styles (such as
checkbox lists), or convert them to ordinary text.
☼ Here's how
to create or modify outlines
[e.g., create fixed-width paragraph numbers and other custom-formatted
paragraph numbers and styles (001, 002, etc., or [1], [2], etc.)].
☼ And for methods to "tighten" the
horizontal spaces in outline levels see this
page on creating custom tab settings for just the outline.
☼ Need a new bullet outline 'style'? Create custom bullets for your outlines.
☼ Mark a
Paragraph heading style or Character style for automatic inclusion in a Table of Contents (TOC).
[Includes information about doing it with outlines and WordPerfect
☼ Reduce vertical spacing between a paragraph
heading and the following body text: see here.
☼ Need
"upside-down" text on the same page as normal text?
(For example, for 1/2- or 1/4-folded cards or mailers.) You can rotate
text 90, 180, or 270 degrees if it is placed inside a text box.
• Create the "upside-down" portion
by selecting the text and clicking on Insert, Text Box.
• Left-click on any of the box's eight drag handles to resize it.
• When the mouse pointer changes to a four-headed arrow over a
drag handle, left-click to drag the box to positon it.
• Click outside the box to de-select
it, then right-click on top of the box again and choose Content, Rotate
180 degrees, OK.
• (Other right-click options let you
change the border to <none>, anchor the box to the page, specify
a position, etc.)
☼ Replace
multiple instances of one font type with another font type: See here.
☼ Convert lower case words to UPPER case, or
vice versa: You can click on Edit, Convert Case... on the main
WordPerfect menu, but there are easier ways to do this:
☼ You
can convert case with the click of a toolbar button. There's a "Case
Toggle" button available you can add to a toolbar or property bar,
which will convert the current lower case word (or selected words) to
upper case, or vice versa. Here's how to add it:
• Right-click
on the main toolbar, then click Edit from the context menu.
• Under
'Feature categories,' choose the Edit category, and then choose the
Case Toggle feature from the Feature list.
• Click 'Add Button,' drag the new button if desired to a new
location, then click OK.
Related tips:
Since you may also want to do the same thing with selected text, you can have the
button available on the Selected Text property bar as well
as the main toolbar. Select some text, then right-click the (now
visible) Selected Text property bar (not the main toolbar), and follow
the same steps as above.
Note that there's an Initial
Capitals button available, too, which you might want to add in the same
manner to both bars.
☼ If you use the default
Windows keyboard, pressing <Ctrl+K> will toggle the current word
or selected text. If you use the DOS keyboard, you can assign the Case Toggle feature to
<Ctrl+K> (or any other available keys).
☼ Use a macro such as the one here.
☼ See also Initial Capitalization in Titles and
Headines on the ConvertV.wcm macro page here.
☼ Footnotes and Endnotes: Setting or changing margins,
numbers, font sizes and other formatting. Includes a method to hide all
note numbers.
☼ Place
endnotes at the end of each chapter, subdocument, or other section
(or any place you want them), instead of at the very end of the
☼ Create even page and odd page
using the two types of headers and footers (A and B). You can even
create a third type of header or footer (Header C or Footer C) with
this little trick. Here's how.
☼ Indent a paragraph with dot leaders
☼ Need to reset page margins on page 2 (if
there is a page 2) back to the one-inch default or some other setting?
Here's how to do it in
either the current document or in a template.
☼ Publishing a document in PDF format and
need to set smaller page margins than your physical printer supports?
See the tip on the Publishing to PDF page here.
☼ Need to make specific words bold (or
italicize them, etc.) throughout the current document?
• Click Edit,
Find and Replace.
• Type (or copy) the text you want to make bold in the Find box.
• Then click
inside the Replace With box and type (or copy) the text to make bold in
the Replace
with box.
• While inside the Replace With box, click Replace, Font [on
the Find and Replace menu] and then click Bold and OK.
• Click
Replace (or Replace All). That'll change the original text to bold or
replace the original text with some other text that is bold.
[Thanks to
"Robin" at WordPerfect Universe here for this tip.]
Related tips:
☼ A macro can add attributes (bold, italics, etc.) to several different words or phrases
throughout a document. See the footnote on this page.
☼ Text formatted with bold, italics, highlighting, etc., can have
these format attributes changed,
replaced or augmented with other format attributes using the ReplaceCodes macro.
☼ To highlight words based on words
stored in a master list of words/phrases, or typed into a pop-up menu,
see the HiLiteDoc macro.
☼ Are
your quotation marks "straight" and not "curly" (typographical)?
If Tools,
QuickCorrect, SmartQuotes settings have been turned off (i.e., the "Use
double quotation marks as you type" box is unticked), this may be the
problem. Editing macros or performing some merge operations can turn
SmartQuotes off, and the new setting can remain in effect for future
You can turn SmartQuotes back on manually with Tools, QuickCorrect...
-- or with a macro such as the one in QC.ZIP
(which download also contains a macro to convert existing regular
or single quote marks to typographical quote marks, or vice versa).
☼ Using
hyphens, hard hyphens, soft hyphens, and hyphenated soft returns.
See here.
☼ Convert the mailing address
on envelopes or labels to UPPER case: See here.
☼ Customize the return address
on envelopes with graphics and font attributes. See here.
☼ Prevent long web URLs from
moving to the next line as a block (or text such as e-mail
addresses, text separated by dashes, etc.). See here.
☼ Convert text into a table and
vice versa. See here.
☼ Create a Question-and-Answer
style. See here.
☼ Problems with formatting text
after copying it from a web page or other internet source? If
it's a name and address, does WP's envelope feature miss it? Does it
have many strange codes in it? Use this simple Paste Special trick to help solve the
problem by pasting the material as unformatted text.
☼ Mixing
landscape and portrait pages:
How to maintain headers, footers, and page numbering at the top and
bottom of all pages when you mix landscape orientation with portrait.
☼ Rotating
text to intermediate angles (e.g., 33 degrees).
☼ Align
endnotes on the period (a.k.a. "full stop") following the endnote
☼ Do you want to remove blue
underlines in e-mail addresses and web site URLs from your printouts?
Get rid of the hypertext links. Here
are some ways to do it in WordPerfect.
☼ Mixing
text justification on the same line without using tabs or spaces,
like this second page header:
Dec, 15, 2016 |
XYZ Company |
Page 2 |
☼ Create
"Continued on Page x" footers where "x" is the number of the
following page. See here.
☼ Need to create custom inserts
for CD jewel boxes?
WordPerfect 9 has a project template for this, but if your version does
not, here's the procedure.
☼ Using two footers
simultaneously (one for page number, the other for separator
line and filename, etc.) so that items do not overlap. See here.
☼ Creating vertically formatted
business cards or labels in WordPerfect. See here.
☼ Consecutively numbered
labels, tickets, cards, etc. See here.
☼ Mirror or reverse font printing: See this
WordPerfect Universe thread.
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☼ Are you used to using
Microsoft Word? Do some menu items, toolbar buttons, or shortcut keys
appear to be missing from
your program? See here.
☼ Some menu
☼ Customize your top
menu - how to add new menu choices, rearrange existing ones, or
delete them from the menu.
☼ Use a "menu macro" to play other
macros. See see the EZMenu macro in
the Toolbox Library. Also see Mike Koenecke's MacroMenu.Zip at http://www.macros.koenecke.us/.
It uses a push-button display to make it easy to play any of your
☼ Microsoft
Word users: Choosing the new Workspace
in WordPerfect 12 and later versions
to enable Microsoft Word Mode
(primarily designed to help new users adjust to WordPerfect) will
change the default WordPerfect menu and various other items such as
some keyboard shortcuts.
Note: In WordPerfect the status bar is called the Application Bar. It is available in WordPerfect 9 (c. 1999) and later versions and displays at the very bottom of the WordPerfect window (like this).
☼ To view the Application bar: Click on the top WordPerfect menu and choose View, Application Bar.
Note that this choice appears on any WordPerfect menu -- but not on a Microsoft Word menu. (See "Microsoft Word users" above for more information.)
For example, to see (and use, if desired) the
standard WordPerfect menu, right-click on the top menu bar and choose
<WordPerfect Menu>) then click on View, Application Bar to
display it. If you use a Microsoft Word menu, you can then re-enable
that menu the same way.
☼ Document tabs:
You might not be aware that WordPerfect already has clickable "document
tabs" at the very bottom of the window in the Application Bar
(a.k.a. the status bar) (screen shot).
These tabs show all open documents and let you quickly navigate between them with a mouse click or keyboard shortcut. [You can also use your keyboard to shift back and forth between open documents: see this PDF file that contains a table of keyboard shortcuts.]
☼ Some toolbar
and property bar tips:
☼ Can't
see them? If
one or more toolbars or
context-sensitive property bars are not
visible, ensure that View, Toolbars, <toobar name>, is enabled
(i.e., checked).
☼ Can't see them (part 2)? Users
sometimes accidentally
right-click on the property bar and choose to "Hide Property Bar." This
setting will be retained until you re-enable all property bars with
View, Toolbar, Property Bar. If your property bars are missing this
might be the cause. For more see here.
☼ How to create a new toolbar button
to play a macro or use a built-in WordPerfect feature.
☼ How to add buttons to the
context-sensitive property bars.
☼ How to create a new, custom toolbar
(along with several tips, such as how to copy existing toolbars, move
or copy existing buttons, have the new toolbar appear only when certain
documents are loaded, etc.).
☼ You can drag shortcut
icons from your Windows desktop
onto your WordPerfect toolbar to create shortcuts to the desktop
☼ For an easy way to set up a custom vertical
toolbar with text buttons see the "Create a vertical toolbar..." PDF
file here.
☼ How to change (edit) the default toolbar
"audiocassette" icon images on
your custom buttons on the toolbar.
☼ Too many custom styles in a property bar's Select Style drop list?
[This drop list appears on several property bars — e.g., when your
cursor is in the main text area or in a header/footer.] You can
rename your personal styles by editing them with Format, Styles, Edit,
and include something like a "!" or "_" or space " " as the first
character in the Style's name. This will sort them at the top of the main
Styles list and on the Select Styles drop list.
☼ You
can set the vertical order
of your toolbars by choosing the order in which you activate
them with
Tools, Settings, Customize, Toolbars (tab). You may have to deselect
existing toolbars, then reselect them in the proper order (the first
you enable with a checkmark will be topmost, the last will be
bottommost) so that their positions relative to one another will
"stick" when you close WordPerfect. (Note: Not tested in all versions
of WordPerfect.)
☼ Assign
a macro, feature, program, or string of keystrokes to a key or key
combination (i.e., a "shortcut key" or "hot key" such as
or <Alt+Shft+m>).
The tip on that
page includes a simple method of inserting accented letters (e.g.,
é, ô).
Note that there are several ways to
enter accented letters (diacritical marks) in WordPerfect: For example,
you can use QuickCorrect
abbreviations. Or you can insert them using the WordPerfect symbol
feature (Insert, Symbol) by first pressing Ctrl+w, then typing the base
letter (e.g., the letter e), then typing the accent mark (e.g., ').
(Other "accent" marks you can use on the keyboard: `, ", ^, /, ~, etc.)
☼ After
typing in ALL CAPS
with the <Caps Lock> key enabled -- or if you hit <Caps
Lock> by mistake -- you might find that the next sentences lOOK
sOMETHING lIKE tHIS. In WordPerfect, you can click Tools, QuickCorrect,
Format-As-You-Go, and enable the Caps Fix checkbox. To set Windows XP
computers to work this way in all programs, see here.
☼ Tired of hitting the <Insert> key by
mistake and toggling Typeover mode "on"? Here's how to reassign the Typeover function on your
keyboard to another keystroke combination -- and keep the
<Insert> key in Insert mode in WordPerfect.
☼ Force WordPerfect to save
the current file as you type,
without having to press a special key or click a button or menu item.
The method can be used along with WordPerfect's automatic file backup
☼ "Two-key" macros
can help organize macros under a common keystroke combination. Press
one to play the macro, then another to perform some action. Useful for
inserting accented letters, simulating WordStar double keystroke
commands, etc. (See also the tip about inserting accented letters
without a macro.)
☼ Make a key do "double duty" by assigning a macro to it, and
make the macro play only if the key is struck twice.
☼ Looking for a list of shortcut keys?
- For a
reference list of common navigation, formatting, and text selection
keys that are
used by default in the WordPerfect for Windows WPWin and DOS keyboards,
can read (left-click) or download (right-click, then Save Target As) WP_shortcut_keys.pdf, an
Adobe PDF file.
- For WordPerfect 10 and later
versions you can print a list of current shortcut key assignments; see
Step 2 here.
☼ Move
back to a previous
cursor location with the blue arrow icon buttons on the main
If you don't have them, right-click on the toolbar, choose "Edit," then
under the Feature Categories list in the Toolbar Editor, choose Edit,
then Back (or Forward). Finally, click the Add Button button. (The
newly added button can be dragged to a new position while the Toolbar
Editor is still open.)
☼ Function keys and keyboard
shortcuts / hotkeys (e.g.,
<Ctrl+F2> or <Alt+F10>) don't seem to work in WordPerfect?
Perhaps the F-Key priority is reversed on some computers. See here for more.
☼ Miscellaneous
(related) tips:
☼ Three easy ways to play macros, load programs, type
keystrokes into the document, or use built-in WordPerfect features.
☼ Navigating quickly to your favorite folders, files,
and templates from inside WordPerfect. Includes several ways to
navigate inside a long or
complex document (shortcuts, Document Map, QuickMark, etc.).
☼ WordPerfect X3: Want to remove the Yahoo! Search bar from WordPerfect X3? Use the "Change" command from the WordPerfect Office X3 Add/Remove Programs entry in your Control Panel. Select the option to modify your install, and then within the WordPerfect feature tree, de-select the Yahoo! Search entry. (Or, during initial installation of WordPerfect X3, you can deselect the option to install it.) If the button is still on the toolbar after doing this, drag it off the bar while holding down the <Alt> key, then restart WordPerfect.
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☼ Troubleshooting document problems in
WordPerfect. See "Repairing WordPerfect documents and templates"
☼ WordPerfect
technical limitations - a WordPerfect
thread started in 2001 containing links to various sources (some to old
Corel articles, some to user posts) that discuss (e.g.) the limits of
page numbering (65,535 pages!), tabs, table rows, QuickCorrect entries,
Find and Replace entries (also here), cross
references, etc.
The thread can be searched (<Ctrl+F>), and probably is most
useful to those who write long and/or complexly formatted documents and
then come up against some "mysterious" internal limit.
☼ Multiple instances of WordPerfect.
[Note: This is not the same as multiple versions of the program: see below for more on installing multiple
versions on the same computer.]
Starting with WordPerfect X6
you can open more than one instance of WordPerfect, each with up to 9
files open at the same time. This is also handy for those with dual
monitors. (See also
Starting with
WordPefect X7,
you can open more than 9 files in a single instance.
With either
version you
will still not see more than 9 documents listed on the File menu, with the most recent at
the top of the list. However, if more than 9 files are open in WordPerfect X7, you can see (and
select from) a pop up dialog
list of all file names using Window,
More Windows.
☼ You
can also cascade open
files (Window, Cascade) or tile them (Window, Tile...) to display multiple
open files with title bars
stacked up or visible as small tiles. Then clicking on one to bring it
forward, then using
Windows, Separate, lets you send that file to a new (separate) instance
of WordPerfect X6 (and later) -- which might be a handy way to isolate
just the ones
you want to work on.
☼ For
more on what is new and different,
see the WordPerfect Universe post here
(for WPX6), and also a page on the Toolbox site here for current and past versions.
☼ Searching inside WordPerfect documents.
QuickFinder is composed of QuickFinder Manager and QuickFinder Searcher,
and in modern versions of Windows both are accessible from the Windows
Start > All Programs > WordPerfect Office[...] > Utilities
menu. Both of these features are briefly discussed below.
QuickFinder is
included as part of WordPerfect Office (WordPerfect 9 [c.2000] and
later) and can be optionally installed (or not) during the program's
installation routine.
However, not
all editions
of a given version of
WordPerfect Office have it.
Family Pack, WordPerfect Home Edition [which is NOT the same as the
modern Home & Student edition], and Productivity Pack editions of
WordPerfect do not include the QuickFinder utility. This also includes
versions of WordPerfect which were bundled with other software or came
with your computer. (Bundled editions are no longer published by Corel.)
If you did NOT install the QuickFinder utility with WordPerfect Office you can usually do so as part of a program repair by modifying your current WordPerfect Office installation to include it.
In order to use QuickFinder to search the contents of WordPerfect files, the
Tools, Settings, Files, Document [tab], "Use enhanced
file dialogs" check box must be enabled (ticked).
[In QuattroPro: Tools, Settings,
Workspace, Application, File Options, "Use enhanced file dialogs".]
This method can take a little time
if there are lots of files and/or subfolders to search through, and/or
you have set several search filters. (You can always abort the search
with the Stop Find button on the Open File window when it appears.)
There are a few things
to know that might help you with the QuickFinder
☼ Printing a WordPerfect document from
Windows Explorer. [From the Corel site here:]
"The new
Preview mode lets you have a look at WordPerfect® files in Windows®
Explorer and Microsoft® Outlook® before you open them. While other word
processors only let you select and copy text from the Preview pane, WordPerfect X6 [and later]
also lets you customize the preview zoom level, perform a text search,
and browse a file by scrolling through document elements, such as
headings, comments and graphics. You can even print a WordPerfect
document directly from the Preview mode in Windows Explorer or Outlook.
1. Open Windows Explorer and click
Organize > Layout > Preview pane.
2. Navigate to your document and
select it.
3. In the Preview pane, right-click
and choose Print."
☼ Cursor jumps ("jumping cursor").
There appears to be three (unrelated) situations where this can occur.
Situation 1. (Mouse cursor)
I have observed this happening on rare occasions when the computer appears to be busy
with multiple tasks -- and probably it happens more frequently when
WordPerfect tries to back up a file in WordPerfect while (possibly) the
system's available memory is
full. The mouse cursor seems to have a will of its own and the random
jumping cannot be controlled by moving or clicking the mouse.
Situation 1 solution:
Wait a minute or two. Save your work when the mouse stops jumping and
close WordPerfect. Then re-launch it and check the program's automatic timed backup setting to see if increasing the time delay a few minutes helps (the default time delay is 10 minutes; it is suggested not
to shorten it to less than 5 minutes). Note that this situation could
be caused by other things (e.g., the backup location being busy), so
this solution is just a reasonable guess.
Situation 2. (Insertion cursor)
When saving a document, does the cursor move to the bottom of the
screen (in WordPerfect 11 or later version)? This is a minor bug.
Situation 2 solution: Try disabling (un-ticking) the "Auto generate"
checkbox in Tools, Reference (at the bottom of any of that dialog's
tab, a line below the Define button; see screen shot here). [If you cannot see this
refer to the information here.]
Here's some more information about that option.
Some users like to enable the"Auto generate"option to automatically re-generate an Index (and other reference items such as a Table of Contents) when WordPerfect senses that the document has changed and it is about to be saved or printed.
However, be aware that using the auto-generate
option will force WordPerfect to pop up a reminder message each time
you attempt to save or print a changed document and you have not
generated the Index (or other reference) since the last save or print.
So if the message becomes annoying, simply de-select that option to
disable it.
[Also, in some early versions of WordPerfect this
option can erroneously cause selected text to fail to print. The remedy
for this bug is the same: disable the option.]
If you prefer to leave this setting disabled ("off") you will need to
remember to manually re-generate your document if you have used any of
the Reference Tools while editing it (i.e., List, Index,
Cross-Reference, Table of Contents, or Table of Authorities). You can
do this with Tools, Reference, Generate or by using the Generate button
on any of the five Reference Tools tabs.
Situation 3. (Insertion cursor)
In some documents with custom Character styles (but not Paragraph or Open styles) that contain -- inside the style's code -- some leading text followed by a space (or tab or indent) just to the left side of the separation code (aka placeholder code), moving the insertion cursor ("|")
backwards by word (not by character) over that style can cause the
cursor to mysteriously jump upward several lines of text. (This was
discussed on WordPerfect Universe in a thread here.)
This appears to be a rare bug and appears only when
several conditions exist at that document location: the aforementioned
custom Character style and
using the shortcut keys Ctrl+LeftArrow or Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow (or
their macro equivalents, PosWordPrevious or SelectWordPrevious) to move
the insertion point backwards, word by word, over that code.
Situation 3 solution: A workaround is to move the insertion point backwards a character at a time with the LeftArrow or Shift+LeftArrow keys -- not a word at a time.
☼ Can't
print selected text? Same as in the above tip: Try disabling
(un-ticking) the "Auto generate"
checkbox in Tools, Reference (on any of that dialog's tabs).
☼ How to use the Sort feature:
See here. [For sorting tables, see here.]
☼ Symbols dialog missing? Does
the Symbols dialog fail to appear when you press Ctrl+W? Perhaps it was
only moved off-screen. Try this:
1. Close all open programs so you
can see the entire desktop.
2. Open WordPerfect, then press
<Ctrl+w> to open the Symbols dialog. If it fails to appear, the
dialog probably is hidden off screen.
3. Now, press <Alt+Spacebar>,
release these keys, then press <m>. This represents "Move the
focussed windows" and it should "select" the hidden dialog, even though
it remains hidden. (In some Windows systems, try each of the 3 keys
separately, in sequence.)
4. Now, take your hand off the mouse
(you need to use keys) and press the <UpArrow> key several times.
Or the <LeftArrow> key several times. One or the other or both
should move the dialog back onscreen where you can see its outline.
5. Click <Enter> or click your mouse on the desktop; this
should make it completely visible.
6. You can now drag it around and/or
resize it. If successful, Windows should remember to keep it on screen
and not hide it.
☼ How to find just any "unbalanced" parentheses, brackets, braces, or quote marks in a document:
... Start
Grammatik, and do Options, Checking Styles, Edit. You get a long list
of possible checks. Deselect all, except (at the end) Unbalanced () {}
[] or ". [Then] "Save As" that style as "Unbalanced brackets". Now run Grammatik, Options, Checking Styles and select your new "Unbalanced brackets". This works perfectly.
[Note: The
typical program default for Grammatik's Checking Styles option is
"Quick Check," which includes checking for these "unbalanced" items.
But the above tip can be useful when you just want to check these
particular items.]
☼ WordPerfect X5:
How to set WordPerfect X5's File,
Open file name field to default to "*.*" and the file type to
"All files (*.*)" as in previous WordPerfect versions:
This issue was fixed in WordPerfect Office X5,
Service Pack 1 (and also included in the cumulative SP2 patch. To
download the patch see Corel.com or WordPerfect.com on the Support tab,
"Patches & Updates".]
Use the following macro, which can
be added to a menu, toolbar, or
keystroke shortcut (such as <Alt+o>). Then use it in place of
File, Open.
Macro begins
Macro ends
To copy this code into your
WordPerfect as a functioning macro, see here.
☼ How
to force WordPerfect to properly count words in legal documents where citations with parentheses are
used -- e.g., 924(a)(1) or
similar mixed character strings.
Why might you need to do this?
WordPerfect normally counts parenthesis characters as spaces, which
gives an erroneous word count unless such workarounds are used. [See,
e.g., this thread
at WordPerfect Universe and my separate post
Here are two examples of workarounds
using WordPerfect parenthetical symbols
-- indistinguishable on screen (and when printed) from parenthetical keyboard characters (N.B.: discussed on WordPerfect
Universe here):
Example 1
Better yet:
Create a pair of "double duty macros" (as described on the
above linked WordPerfect post here)
and assign them to the "(" and ")" keys, respectively. (General instructions can be found in Footnote 1.)
This is much
quicker and more convenient than using the Insert, Symbol method.
How the method works:
you set up both macros -
• A single press of one of those parenthesis keys will produce the
normal left (or right) parenthesis. The macro then quits.
legal work this might be the most convenient solution to the problem.
After you set things up all you need to remember is to double-tap
the appropriate parenthesis key to insert the required parenthetical symbol instead
of the keyboard character. (You can verify the result in Reveal Codes.)
Below are two separate macro code snippets you can use to create these two double-duty macros.
In either macro -
• The first Type() command inserts the same symbol as you can do using Insert, Symbol, Current Font Symbols, [12,40 or 12,41].
After saving both macros to your default (or supplemental) macro folder (see your program's Tools, Settings, Files, Merge/Macro for the locations), assign the two double-duty macros to the normal left and right parenthesis keys, respectively, following the general methods in the Tips here.
// Macro #1: Parenthesis (LEFT) as symbol.wcm
IF (CToN(?LeftChar)=40) // <=detects keyboard parenthesis character ("(")
Type (NToC(3112)) // <=types (inserts) a parenthesis symbol [12,40]
Type ("(") // <=types a keyboard parenthesis character ("(")
// Macro #2: Parenthesis (RIGHT) as symbol.wcm
IF (CToN(?LeftChar)=41) // <=detects keyboard parenthesis character (")")
Type (NToC(3113)) // <=types (inserts) a parenthesis symbol [12,41]
Type (")") // <=types a keyboard parenthesis character (")")
In both
examples the program should see the entire citation string as a single
word (assuming no embedded spaces) -- and the parentheses will be
indistinguishable on screen (and when printed) from the same string
that might be typed using the parenthetical characters on the keyboard.
To learn how to use them:
See WordPerfect's online help (F1 key) and search under the Index tab for "hyperlinks").
For more information, tips, etc., see "How to create hyperlinks (hypertext links) in WordPerfect".
Related tips:
☼ Hyperlinks can fail
to work under certain circumstances in WordPerfect documents (but not
in PDF files created from those documents).
☼ Do you want to remove blue underlines in e-mail
addresses and web site URLs from your printouts?
Get rid of the hypertext links. Here are some ways to do it in
☼ You can customize the Application Bar
(the very bottom edge of the WordPerfect program window) by
right-clicking on it and choosing Settings. In the dialog that appears,
select the items you want displayed (e.g., Date) in the checkbox list.
While the dialog is still open, you can double-click any icons on the
Application Bar itself to change them from an icon to a text label
(which can be resized by dragging the edge of the label), and vice
versa. You can also move an item by dragging it.
☼ You can remove (or just temporarily clear)
the list of your last opened files displayed on the bottom of the File menu.
This feature is sometimes called the "Most Recently Used" [MRU] list.
Here's how to disable it (in WordPerfect 8 and later
If you need to quickly clear (reset) the current list of last
opened files -- but you want to keep the feature active --
here's a small macro that can automatically disable-then-reenable that checkbox (as in the steps above) whenever desired:
// Macro begins
(DisplayLastOpened: No!)
PrefSave ()
(DisplayLastOpened: Yes!)
PrefSave ()
// Macro ends
This macro code can copied into WordPerfect and assigned to
a menu, toolbar, or keystroke. See the EasyPlay
page (see also the left sidebar on that page).
Using either the above 3-step manual technique or the macro also
clears the file name ("history") lists in the File, Save and
File, Save As dialogs.
Either method can also be used to fix a
problem where the listing of recently opened documents is grayed out
(dimmed) and cannot be clicked on.
☼ Redaction
Tool (WordPerfect X4 and later): If you use the Redaction Tool here
are some tips (click here
for the PDF version) when using normal highlighting (Tools, Highlight) in the same document that is marked up for
redaction (Tools, Redaction).
☼ Document mysteriously appears modified:
When you open an existing
document, and you know you have not
made any changes to it,
does it change its status from unmodified to modified (i.e., it has
been reformatted in some small way) -- and then ask you whether you
want to save it when you try to close it? There are several reasons why
a document might become reformatted by the program when opening or
printing the document on screen. See "Why
some documents seem to "spontaneously" change or reformat themselves
when they are opened, printed, faxed, or shared between users" here.
☼ Does WordPerfect think your
document is an Avery label sheet instead of a "normal" document?
This is a known problem on some systems if you have previously used an
Avery label "page definition." See this
post on WordPerfect Universe.
☼ Are underscores (_) or underlines
disappearing on your screen in WordPerfect -- yet they print? Do the descenders (i.e., the lower part) on some letters (g,
y, q, etc.) appear "cut off" on screen?
What probably is happening is that, in effect, the underlines and/or
descending characters are being placed between the pixels of the
display screen. [More...]
☼ Need
to compare two PDF documents?
Most editions of WordPerfect X3 and later (notable exception: Home and
Student editions) can now import PDF files, and you then can use
WordPerfect's File, Document, Compare
feature on the imported (converted) documents.
☼ Color of Comments. If
you want to change the color of WordPerfect Comments (i.e., created
with Insert, Comment), see this
post on WordPerfect Universe (WPU). If you want to automatically
create Comments and format the text in them, see Txt2Cmt in the Library (which also
contains the material in the referenced WPU post).
☼ Want to find the longest
sentence in a document? For WordPerfect 10 and later, you can
use a small macro by Kenneth Hobson. See here
and also scroll down through the thread, which should explain why you
need to turn on "Use WordPerfect 9 text selection" before playing the
☼ "Document
page size" warnings. When printing in WordPerfect 10 or later
version, do you get a warning message, "The document page size is set to a custom
form that may not be supported by the printer. ..."? See Corel's
support database (Printing
from WordPerfect® Generates a 'Document Page Size' Message).
As the
Corel article states, "This warning is usually generated if your
printer does not support the page definition your [sic] trying to use.
However, in some cases, the warning may be generated regardless of what
is being printed."
Usually, you can dismiss the message and print
anyway, but the message can be annoying. The Corel article shows how to get
rid of it.
☼ How
WordPerfect finds a mailing address on your letter: See here.
☼ WordPerfect locking up? Strange problems
with a document? Getting an "Unknown Format" message? These
could indicate a damaged or corrupted document. See here.
☼ Having difficulty selecting
blocks of text with a mouse? Does the material "flash" by on screen too
fast to stop it?
This is a problem with Windows on a fast computer. Here are some ways
to select text more accurately (thanks to Charles Rossiter at
WordPerfect Universe):
the mouse-click options: double-click selects the word; triple-click
the sentence; and quadruple-click the paragraph.
for a small block of text,
you can click the cursor where you wish the selected text to start, do
F8 to switch on "select", and then type a character at the end of the
target block and that whole text will be selected up to the first
occurrence of that character. For this, you can display the state of
the Select option, by adding Select On/Off to the Application Bar.
click the cursor where you
wish the selected text to start. Hold down the shift key and move the
cursor with the navigation keys (up, down, left, right arrows, page up,
page down, home, end, ctrl+home, ctrl+end, alt+pageup, alt+pagedown).
There is a full list in Help, Help Topics, Index tab, type "Navigation,
Keyboard shortcuts". [Or see this PDF: WordPerfect for Windows shortcut keys....]
click the cursor where you
wish the selected text to start. Use the scroll bar only to display
where you wish the selection to end. Hold down the shift key and click
the mouse at that end point." [Quote]
☼ Does
a document look smaller/larger than normal, or appear very tiny on
Maybe you accidentally set the program's Zoom level with your mouse. To
quickly change the View, Zoom setting, hold down the <Ctrl> key
while you rotate the mouse wheel. (Many other Windows programs work
this way.)
☼ Need to calculate a new date
from today's date, or from some other date? Here a several methods.
☼ Do
you get error messages about using Microsoft Outlook as your "mail
-- and you don't have Outlook installed or don't want to use it for
your addresses? In WordPerfect 11/12/X3, try disabling (un-checking)
the box, "Use Outlook address book/contact list," in Tools, Settings,
☼ Does your WordPerfect 11/12
Document Compare feature not work properly
(e.g., you get a program crash, or the entire first page of the old
document is marked as a deletion even when no change to the page was
made), with View, Page enabled and the Zoom set to Margin or Page
width? This bug has workarounds: Turn on the ruler with View, Ruler
and/or change the Zoom before doing a Document Compare. (If your
printer has a problem printing inserted, redlined text after doing a
Compare, see here.)
☼ Inserting and using graphic images and
photos in a WordPerfect document -
Setting preferred defaults for graphic images ... Cross-referencing to
figure boxes ... Numbering some (but not all) graphics ... How to
install the Clip Art catalog on a hard drive ... Creating "sticky
notes" ... Adding a scanned signature to a document ... [More...][GraphicsTips.html]
☼ Modifying, suppressing, or
delaying legal Pleading marks: See here.
☼ Missing a favorite
WordPerfect Project (File,
New...)? Does a Project not work in your new version of WordPerfect
when it used to work in your earlier one (such as the WP12 Memo
Project)? You might be able to use older Projects in later versions of
WordPerfect. Here's the trick.
☼ Where is your default template
[the template on which all new, blank documents are based]? See here.
☼ Using the merge feature:
See Setting Up a Mail Merge (a
Corel Tutorial by Laura Acklen) and other tips on this page. For merging multiple-page documents see more
merge tips here.
The Macros & Merges Forum
at WordPerfect Universe can answer your questions.
☼ Having
problems converting a Microsoft Word document (.DOC) or other program
document to a WordPerfect document (.WPD) or vice versa? [More...]
☼ WordPerfect 11/12/X3 users may find that they cannot enable QuickCorrect's Format-As-You-Go setting, "Change two spaces to one space between sentences." Although this option is broken in WP11/12/X3 (but reported as fixed in WPX3/sp1), a simple one-line macro can properly set the option. For example, to set Format-As-You-Go to convert from two spaces between sentences to one space, this one-line macro command does the job:
I have no idea why this fixes the problem, only that it works. However, you can choose "None" or "Change one space to two..." from the Format-As-You-Go dialog. It is just setting this particular alternative choice that doesn't work unless you use the above simple macro or enable the same macro command in the QC macro found in the Library.
☼ Need to change text marked with (Format, Font) Redline and Strikeout codes to (File, Document, Review) Insertion and Deletion codes so that others can review and annotate the document? See this thread at WordPerfect Universe.
☼ Problems with getting automated template Projects to work? If a Project has an embedded macro or macros, and you turned macros off when asked to do so by a dialog that popped up after installation or reinstallation of the program, then the Project will not work. Turning off macros in WordPerfect is not really necessary (compared to some programs that can carry "macro viruses"). Moreover, it unnecessarily restricts one of WordPerfect's most useful features. For more on this, including how to turn macros back on, see this thread on WordPerfect Universe.
☼ Which template
did a document
come from? If you can't figure out which template a
document is based on (i.e., default or custom), you can get the
template's filename two ways: (1)
In the currently open document, use Tools, Template Macro, Edit and you
should see the name on the
pop-up dialog, or you can see it if you click the Location button in
that dialog. (2) More
advanced users can load the document in Corel's file repair and
information utility, WPLOOK,
and check under the Prefix menu option.
☼ Printer and fax formatting problems (i.e., the font or pagination differs slightly using different printers or when you fax a document) - See here.
☼ When selecting and copying macro code into WordPerfect from an internet site (web page, newsgroup, etc.) you might also drag along extraneous, unwanted formatting. Here's how to do it properly.
☼ Need to split table cells in a particular row so that the resulting cells are equal in width? See here.
☼ "Box"
your text
by selecting the text and then clicking Insert, Text Box (or click the
Text Box icon on your toolbar). Unlike using Format, Paragraph,
Border/Fill, creating a text box allows you to select the box and drag
it to a different location. To create such a box with rounded
corners, see the TextBox
macro in the Library. See also the tips about text boxes here.
☼ Do you back up important data or photos to a CD? Make sure they will last more than a year or two. See Fred Langa's article, "Time to Check Your CDRs" at http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=15800263. Tip: Don't buy cheap CD blanks and don't use stick-on labels (use a felt-tip pen instead). The adhesive on labels for CDs can possibly destroy the dye layer where the information is stored. Sunlight, heat, humidity, dirt, and fungi are enemies, too. (Thanks to Chris D on Corel's WordPerfect 11 news group for pointing to this article.)
☼ Does the Document Review dialog keep coming up even after you are finished reviewing the document (with File, Document, Review)? Here's how to stop it from appearing.
☼ Do you use Courier New (True Type) font? If it prints or faxes too light, you can download a free Dark Courier font for all Windows applications at Hewlett-Packard's site. (Http://www.hp.com; search there for "dark courier font"; instructions to install it are given on the search results page).
☼ Clipbook, introduced in WP10, is still there; however, also see the free KeyNote program, a tabbed notebook and personal information manager with a tree structure and strong encryption. (I have not yet reviewd KeyNote.)
☼ Automatically make back ups of your document to help you recover your work.
☼ If you have more than one version of WordPerfect installed and you open a document by clicking its name in Windows Explorer, My Computer, or the Windows Desktop, it will open in the most recent version of WordPerfect that was installed. You can change this behavior. [More...]
☼ QuickCorrect
- why some typed items can unexpectantly change.
When you type (i), (c), or (r), do they change into other
characters or symbols?
Do dates typed as "1/27/08" change to a numerical fraction?
Here are
some remedies: https://wptoolbox.com/tips/QCorrect.html#weirdness.
☼ You
can use Find
and Replace to find codes (e.g., [Left Tab] codes) as well
as text.
Just open Reveal Codes and select a sample of the code (<Shift+Arrow> works well to select things in Reveal Codes), copy it to the Windows clipboard with <Ctrl+C> and then paste it into the Find (or Replace) field with <Ctrl+V>. Alternatively, use the menu item Match, Codes in the Find and Replace dialog. (Careful: "...Left Tab" is not the same thing as "Left Tab.")
However, please note that this does not work if the codes are located inside other codes (e.g., inside a [Delay] code or a [Style] code). For more tips on using Find and Replace, see here.
☼ Collapse and expand text under your document headings with the Outline feature. If you have used WordPerfect's default heading styles (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) in your document, open Reveal Codes with View, Reveal Codes and put your cursor at the top of the document above all other codes. Click on Insert, Outline/Bullets..., <text tab>, Headings, OK. This will display an Outline property bar whenever your cursor is inside a heading, which you can use to promote/demote headings, show/hide levels, show/hide body text, etc. (Tested in WP8-WPX7.)
☼ WordPerfect 10 templates (English versions) can be downloaded from Corel's FTP site. For WP11 templates, see the top "Warning" section on the Library page about the possible need to recompile templates, and links to sites where you can download all WP11's shipping templates (recompiled for you).
☼ Make a 1/4-page folded greeting card in WordPerfect using subdivided pages.
☼ Old
labels: If you have previously addressed labels and you
want to sort
them, extract their text, or merge them, try sorting them directly
(Tools, Sort). Alternative:
Use a procedure to convert
labels to a table or to a merge data file. And you can do the
reverse: convert
a table to a text file or convert a merge data file to a table. These
methods are described on the Merge tips
☼ Need to print booklets more easily? Want to save on paper and toner/ink? Try FinePrint from FinePrint Software or ClickBook from BlueSquirrel Software. Both create multi-up printouts or booklets from any Windows program. They are also good for printing draft work, two pages to a sheet of paper. Demo/trial versions available.
☼ Need to print a list of filenames (not the files, just their names) in a directory or folder? See this post on WPUniverse.
☼ A faster way to move through a document: Quickly move your cursor sentence-to-sentence or cell-to-cell in tables, highlighting (i.e., selecting) each sentence or cell as you go to make it easy to view, copy, or delete any of them.
☼ Do you share your WordPerfect documents? If so, you probably should change your Undo/Redo History options, or use a macro to remove confidential revisions or deletions before distribution. You may also want to remove all "metadata" form your document before sharing it.
☼ How
to check who was the last user to save a document. [From a thread on WordPerfect Universe here:]
A user asked: "Files are kept on the server and different users have
access to these files and are always making changes to them. I want to
know how to check who last saved/modified the files."
☼ Can't see borders around table cells on your screen, even though they print? Can't see white text on a black or colored background in a table? Perhaps you have turned table gridlines "on." Click here for information about table gridlines, table guidelines, and cell borders.
☼ Create a callout (a label-and-line that points to something else) in WordPerfect 8.
☼ Drawing down, up, or angled arrows in WordPerfect 8.
☼ WordPerfect's Postal Bar Codes - Do they help speed delivery of individual letters?
☼ A simple trick to help debug your macros.
☼ WordPerfect (versions through at least as shown in Help, About...): When trying to add "flagged" words to the writing tools in these versions, you might notice that some words (e.g., possessives, and words that include "/") are not being saved.
This is due to a bug introduced in WP10/sp2 (i.e., and which persists in the early builds of WP11 (note: it was fixed in WP11/SP3). You will need to add such words to the main dictionary via the WordPerfect Spell Utility (located under Start, Programs, WordPerfect...). The dictionary file you need to modify (for WP11) is wt11en.mor (WT=Writing Tools; EN represents the English dictionary; 11=WP11).
Note 1: By default, these files (for WP11) are found in
the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Corel\Shared\Writing Tools\11"
2: As Paula Ford notes on
WordPerfect Universe (here):
"...If you add words to the main word list (not the user word list),
the spell checker will then skip possessives of the word....Add the root
of the word, such as [WordPerfect], to the list. [If
the word already exists in the list, you won't be able to add or save
it again.] Check the Spell Utility's Help file for more detailed
instructions. This is probably only helpful for words that you use
repeatedly or perhaps where you are working on a long document over a
long period time. It's hardly worth the effort for the quick letter."
Note 3: Most "flagged" words can be added
to the user
word list (wt11us.uwl)
file during a spell check by clicking the Add
button. It is only certain words (e.g., possessives such as "Bill's")
that are not added this way because of the bug. And as Jack Waananen
(Corel C_Tech) points out: "You can check the words in the UWL by doing
Tools, Spell Checker, [then answer] No to the 'Close [spell checker]'
message, [Then click] Options, User Word Lists. The words you 'Add'ed
should show in that list along with the QuickCorrect pairs. The added
words show the word on the left and <skip> on the right
-- they are listed alphabetically amid the QC pairs. If your UWL is not
properly receiving the 'Add'ed words, then delete (or rename to some
other name) the WT11US.UWL file. When you relaunch WPWin11, a new
default UWL will be generated from scratch that should work correctly."
Also, as Charles Rossiter (Corel C_Tech) notes: "The QuickCorrect file is also known as the User Word List. Where it is stored depends on your version of Windows. [For WP11] search for file WT11US.UWL (assuming the use of language code US). You can copy and rename [an earlier version of the .UWL file] to overwrite the WPWin11 version."
☼ Sorting a table by dates in WordPerfect 9 (c.1999) can be problematic. WordPerfect 10 (c.2001) and later versions have fewer problems in this area, along with a new "Date in a table row" sort option. For a solution, see Jan Berinstein's post on WordPerfect Universe here. (Note that she used WP9/sp3. For WP9/sp4, I found that her step #11 should be modified to read, "Select the column in the original table, delete the selection, then paste...".
☼ How to set Dark Mode in the WordPerfect Office suite [from an August 2021 post by Tim Garner on WordPerfect Universe here).
[Note: This is a workaround that applies to ALL Windows applications but it can be easily toggled On and Off as needed with a Windows keyboard shortcut, as described below.]
"Many applications now have a dark mode option. Although the WPO suite has no such option, here's an easy workaround:
Note: These procedures require Windows 10, although it’s theoretically possible they will work with earlier [or later] versions.
1. Press Windows key + I to open the Settings panel.
2. Click Ease of Access, then select Color filters from the left sidebar to display your options.
3. Move the slider [button] under Turn on color filters to the right [to enable it].
4. Tick Allow the shortcut key to toggle filter on or off.
The shortcut key is Ctrl + Windows key + C.
5. Select the Inverted (reverse colors on the display) button.
[Or try the other options: Grayscale, etc.]
6. Click the X at the top right of the screen to close the Settings panel.
Since these procedures change ALL applications to Dark Mode, be sure to
use the shortcut key in Step 4 to toggle Dark Mode off when you're
[Small modifications: Emphasis and comments added.]
☼ How to make WordPerfect speak a selection of text. [Tested in WordPerfect 2020 Standard and WordPerfect 2021, but it should work in other versions.]
This requires a small macro such as the one below, from a thread on WordPerfect Universe in April 2022 here. All commands are native to WordPerfect.
To copy this macro code into your WordPerfect program to create a working macro see here. (The Prompt command is on one line and not split as shown.)
Once the macro is saved on your system, just select
some text in any open document. (If nothing is selected the macro will
speak just the current paragraph -- i.e., anything that ends with a
hard return or a paragraph style.)
If the selection contains 100 characters or more, a Prompt message will
appear to alert you about how to cancel the macro (typically the ESC
key) and/or dismiss the message.
Note that apparently there is no way to change the voice, speed, or
volume used when the program speaks the text. Still, it seems to be
fairly accurate.
vWasSelected = ?SelectedText <> ""
If(NOT vWasSelected)
vTextLen = StrLen(?SelectedText)
If(vTextLen < 100)
// This Prompt command should be on one line and not split with a HRt -
Prompt("Speak text";"Click [X] or press ESC to STOP and/or dismiss this message";NoButtons!)
... Browse an alphabetical list of all related (linked) pages ...
[Page top]
[Section top]
Browse an
alphabetical list of all related (linked) Tips pages Page Top |
☼ https://www.wordperfect.com/en/pages/4500028.html - Products that work with Corel WordPerfect Office are listed on this Corel web page.
☼ https://www.wpuniverse.com/vb/ - The great WordPerfect Universe site (free peer-to-peer support on various Forums).
☼ https://support.corel.com/ - Corel's (searchable) Knowledgebase of problems and solutions.
☼ https://learn.corel.com/wordperfect-office-tutorials/ - Over two dozen video tutorials for WordPerfect Office on Corel's Discovery Center.
Browse an
alphabetical list of all related (linked) Tips pages Page Top |
section is NOT a tutorial. It is designed as a REFERENCE to help you
when deciding to update, upgrade, or reinstall the program. Not all material on a linked page will apply to every user or situation. |
☼ Section topics:
• Part 1 - Overview:
When updating, upgrading, or reinstalling ... Some things to keep in
mind about WordPerfect documents and program
• Part 2 - Updating
current copy of WordPerfect with a Service Pack (i.e., a "patch").
• Part 3 - Upgrading
a newer version of WordPerfect. [► See also Part 5
(and the tip on OEM versions below) before upgrading.]
• Part 4 - Uninstalling
and/or reinstalling your current WordPerfect program
(and how to completely remove
it). [► See also
Part 5 before uninstalling/reinstalling.]
If you are simply reinstalling the same WordPerfect program on a new computer or a newly formatted drive
▸ If you are uninstalling and then reinstalling the same WordPerfect
program on the same computer
▸ Customizations
▸ Trial (downloadable) versions
▸ Program removal - basic method and complete methods
▸ Before reinstalling...
▸ After reinstalling...
▸ Installing WordPerfect on newer versions of Windows, such as Windows
7 or later
Part 5 - Migrating
customizations ... Before you start
upgrading (Part 3) or reinstalling (Part 4) look over
this section for important tips and recommendations about what you can migrate and how to do it.
• Part 6 - Multiple
versions of WordPerfect on the same computer.
• Part 7 - Transferring macros from one system to another, or from an earlier version of WordPerfect to a newer version. [More...]
☼ Should
you buy or use an "OEM" version (Original Equipment Manufacturer) of
WordPerfect to "updgrade" your computer? These are programs that
were bundled with some new computers, but can be very problematic when
used on a different computer. [More...]
... Browse an alphabetical list of all related (linked) pages ...
[Page top]