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Barry MacDonnell's
Toolbox for WordPerfect

Macros, tips, and templates for Corel® WordPerfect® for Windows®
© Copyright 1996-2024 by Barry MacDonnell. All Rights Reserved.

Page updated June 6, 2008

The following document is included with all versions of John Land's macro collections on this web site. It is provided here in HTML format as a convenience for those who wish to preview it online.

Click here to go to a download page with John's macros.

The document is roughly divided into sections:

Be sure to scroll down through the entire document -- otherwise you may miss the very macro you need!


DATE: July 31, 1997

FROM: John Land
RE: Version
2.08 of JL Macros for WordPerfect for Windows 6.1 and 7.0 and 8.0


Following is documentation for a set of WordPerfect for Windows 6.1, 7.0, and 8.0 macros. They can be installed in your regular macro directory, as indicated in your PREFERENCES, FILE, MACROS entry.

Many of the macros are most useful if assigned to keyboard key sequences (like CtrlU for Uppercase). My preferences for assignments are indicated below. A template filed called !JL.WPT is included with this macro set with both DOS-type and WIN (CUA) type keyboards re-defined to map the macros to keys as indicated. You can copy these keyboard definitions to your standard template for easy adoption.

The macros assigned to keys have descriptions that have been designed to match a corresponding key as mnemonically as possible. Usually, both functions assigned to similar alphabetic key combinations (e.g., CtrlU for Uppercase and CtrlShiftU for Superscript) are at least vaguely related.

The macros generally have been named with prefix characters so that they stay together in directory listings. All (almost) of the Ctrl-combo key macros are prefixed by ^. All of the Ctrl-M Office Menu macros begin with #. Several utility macros begin with $; several "programmers" macros begin with _ (underscore).

Differences in function or look do exist between the three versions of these macros in some cases, and in a few cases a macro exists in only one version. See the last pages for VERSION NOTES.


These macros have NOT been tested in every possible circumstance. In particular, they have not been tested extensively in tables or columns. If you find any errors, PLEASE let me know. I can be reached over CompuServe at 76623,1350; over the Internet at land@fr.com.

If a macro does not seem to work, try it with Reveal Codes on; some macro commands behave differently depending on the Reveal Codes state.

NOTE RE WP 8.0: While having interesting new features, WP 8.0 has more bugs than 7.0 had in 7.0's initial release. A number of 7.0 macros have had to be re-written to overcome bugs in the 8.0 macro language. I have tried to test the converted 7.0 macros thoroughly, but almost inevitably some problems will occur. Accordingly, I would appreciate any feedback you may have on how these macros work in 8.0.

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1. Copy the JLMACS61.EXE program or the JLMACS70.EXE program or the JLMACS80.EXE program to your usual macro subdirectory,

2. Run the JLMACSxx.EXE program at the DOS prompt or from Windows; it will de-compress all of the files within it. (You may then copy the JLMACSxx.EXE file onto a floppy for backup, and delete it off of your hard disk).

3. Copy (or move) the !JL.WPT, !JLBOXES.WPT, and !STAMPER.WPT files into your Templates directory (the one listed under your PREFERENCES, FILE, TEMPLATES entry).

4. Copy the "!JL" keyboard definitions from !JL.WPT to your standard template if you wish (see the WP documentation for instructions on how to do this).

5. Copy the file !TODO.WPD to your default Document directory (the one listed under your PREFERENCES, FILE, DOCUMENTS/BACKUP entry).

6. Read this documentation for information about each macro.

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* means new key assignment in v. 2.08

Combo Key Function Macro Name
Ctrl A Expand Abbreviations Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift A Make Abbreviation Standard WPWin function
Ctrl B

Break Line ^BREAK.WCM

Breaks the text where the cursor is at by entering two hard carriage returns and backing up to where the cursor was. Useful for entering text into the middle of a paragraph without being distracted by reformatting (and hyphenation decisions) for the text following the insert bar. See Ctrl-R for the macro ^RESTORE.WCM.

CtrlShift B Insert Bullet Standard WPWin function
AltShift B Bold Standard WPWin function
Ctrl C Copy Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift C

Repeat Last Code ^RE-DASH.WCM

Repeats last code selected by ^DASHES.WCM.

CtrlAltShift C

Other Codes (Tabs/Justify/Hyphens/Dash) ^DASHES.WCM

Pops up a table of infrequently used tab, justify, and hyphen codes, as well as a variety of dashes.

CtrlAlt C

Center Line or Block ^CENTER.WCM

If text is selected (blocked), center justifies the entire block. Otherwise, centers the current line (no matter where the cursor is in the line), using a center code.

Ctrl D Date Text Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift D Date Code Standard WPWin function
CtrlAlt D

Legal Date Code ^LEGDATE.WCM

Inserts the computer's date as legal-style text (e.g., "the 14th of October, 1995").

AltShift D Double-Underline Standard WPWin function
Ctrl E

Insert Last Appearance Code ^ATTRINS.WCM

Inserts the last appearance code selected using the CtrlShift E (^ATTR.WCM) macro. Example: if italics was chosen using the CtrlShift E macro, activating this macro insert a pair of italics codes.

CtrlShift E

Appearance/Color Menu ^ATTR.WCM

Pops up a menu to select an attribute or appearance code, or 1 of 7 colors. The selection is saved for the current WP session and can be inserted again using the Ctrl E (^ATTRINS.WCM) macro.

To select "invisible ink", select the checkbox FIRST, then the color. See #INVIS.WCM below for how to use "invisible ink".

CtrlAlt E

Remove Attributes ^NO_ATTR.WCM

Removes all attributes (including color) for selected text, or current word if no text is selected.

Ctrl F

Flush Right Code, or Block ^FLUSH.WCM

Select On: makes all blocked text flush right. Select Off: inserts a flush right code at the current location of the cursor.

CtrlShift F

Flush Right Entire Line ^FLUSHLN.WCM

Goes to the left edge of the current line and inserts a flush right code.

AltShift F Font Menu Standard WPWin function
Ctrl G Go to Previous Position ^GOBACK.WCM
CtrlShift G


Generates a document without prompting first.

AltShift G Go To Dialog Standard WPWin function
Ctrl H Toggle Hyphenation On/Off ^HYPHEN.WCM
CtrlShift H

Insert Heading Style ^HEADING.WCM

Allows easy insertion of heading styles 1-9.

Ctrl I

Initial Cap First Letter of Word/Block ^CAPITAL.WCM

This macro first lower cases the current word or each word of selected text before initial capping each word.

CtrlShift I

Italicize Selected Term ^ITALIC.WCM

Italicizes a selected term or phrase from that point forward. If nothing is selected, you are prompted to enter the text to italicize.

AltShift I Italic Standard WPWin function
CtrAlt I Indent Standard WPWin function
CtrlAltShift I Double (Left-Right) Indent Standard WPWin function
Ctrl J

Right Justified Underline (for printed forms) ^LNTOEND.WCM

Turns UnderlineTabs on, then inserts an underline code and right flush code. Useful for making "fill-in" lines for printed forms that automatically go all the way from the text to the margin,

Ctrl K Case Toggle Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift K


Pops up a list box of macros. Advantage: if you name your favorite macros with the same first character (e.g., !MYMAC.WCM), ^MACMENU.WCM memorizes your prefix and only displays those macros. Use to automatically list favorite macros. The path and mask are memorized from session to session.

Ctrl L

Lower Case ^LOWER.WCM

Select On: lower cases the selected text. Select Off: lower cases the word on which the insert bar is resting. The cursor then advances to the next word.

CtrlShift L

Subscript ^SUBSCRP.WCM

Inserts a subscript code, or subscripts selected text.

CtrlAlt L

Numbers to Subscript ^NUM_SUB.WCM

Converts all numbers in a word to subscript: H2O => H2O. Put the cursor anywhere in the word, or select a block of text and convert each word in the block that has numbers.

CtrlAltShift L


Use while cursor is immediately after a word; italicizes the whole word and subscripts the last character. Useful for math and scientific terms.

Ctrl M

Office Menu ^MENU.WCM

Menu of macros for office use; easy to modify, and now supports multiple pages. See further details below for the contents of the menu supplied with this set of macros.

CtrlShift M

Format Menu ^FORMAT.WCM

Quick popup menu to select line spacing, paper type (standard or bond) and margins. Provides an alternative menu in which several common formatting functions can be accomplished in fewer key strokes than with the WordPerfect menus.

CtrlAlt M

Repeat Last Menu Macro ^LASTMAC.WCM

Repeats the last macro selected from the Office Menu (^MENU.WCM).

Ctrl N

Repeat Last Paragraph Number ^LASTPAR.WCM

Inserts last paragraph code defined by the ^PARA#.WCM macro (Ctrl-Shift N below).

CtrlShift N

Paragraph Numbering Menu ^PARA#.WCM

This macro emulates WP5.1 paragraph numbering, including allowing more than one paragraph number on a line. Levels can be automatic (level 0), or manually set to levels 1-8. Each manually set paragraph number automatically renumbers based on prior occurrences of same-level paragraph numbers, and independently of position. A "manual" paragraph code can be changed to a different level by putting the insert bar immediately to the right of the code and pressing Tab or ShiftTab (except in 8.0; manually set levels can't be changed). An "automatic" paragraph code is position dependent.

TO WORK WELL (particularly in 8.0), you NEED to select one of the paragraph formats presented (or make your own using the provided method). To restart a number at 1, just press / and ENTER. To restart a number at a different level, use military type numbers (e.g., 2.3.1 to reset the third level to 1).

You can also "promote" or "demote" selected (blocked) paragraph codes to a lower or higher level (e.g., change (a) to (1); this feature does not work in 8.0).

For greater convenience, add the included CtrlSft# macros (CTRLSFT0.WCM - CTRLSFT9.WCM) to your macro directory, and set a "manual" (position independent) paragraph code by pressing one of CtrlSft1 - CtrlSft8. CtrlSft0 sets an "automatic" (position dependent) paragraph code. CtrlSft9 resets paragraph numbering to 1. See also ^PARASEL.WCM for a dialog that allows you to select the level.

CtrlAlt N

Paragraph Select Level ^PARASEL.WCM

Allows you to select an automatic paragraph numbering level from a dialog; shows the current format for user-defined levels.

AltShift N Attribute Normal Standard WPWin function
Ctrl O

Overbar Text ^BARTEXT.WCM

Places the WP 7,5 overline character above the selected characters, or the character immediately to the left of the insert bar, using the overstrike function. If a character has already been "overlined", it is undone.

COMMENT: This macro works best with all capital letters, such as in logic equations: .

Ctrl P

Protect Paragraph/Block ^CEOP.WCM

Select On: block protects the selected text.

Select Off: inserts a conditional-end-of-page code to "glue" 4 lines of text.

CtrlShift P Keep Together (Protect Text) Standard WPWin function
Ctrl Q

Phrase Store & Recall Queue ^PSRQ.WCM

Stores selected text to a single Ctrl-key combo, for later easy recall into a document. See further details below.

CtrlShift Q

List Stored Phrases for Ctrl0-Ctrl9 ^PSRQLST.WCM

For phrases stored by the ^PSRQ.WCM macro under Ctrl0 through Ctrl9: pops up a menu with the first part of each phrase stored to Ctrl# keys. Useful when you can't remember which phrase is stored under which key. (Codes will generally be ignored. However, the saved text is not altered in any way.)

A phrase can be inserted by selecting it directly off of the list.

CtrlAlt Q

List Stored Phrases for A-Z and ' and ` ^PSRLST2.WCM

For phrases stored by the ^PSRQ.WCM macro under CtrlA through CtrlZ, Ctrl' and Ctrl`: pops up a menu with the first part of each stored phrase. Useful when you can't remember which phrase is stored under which key. (Codes will generally be ignored. However, the saved text is not altered in any way.) Somewhat slow.

A phrase can be inserted by selecting it directly off of the list.

Ctrl R

Restore Line After Break ^RESTORE.WCM

Deletes up to two consecutive spaces/carriage return/hard page characters, restoring a line that was split by the ^BREAK.WCM macro. Ignores other characters.

CtrlShift R Reselect Last Selected Text ^RESELCT.WCM
AltShift R Redline Standard WPWin function
Ctrl S Save Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift S Save All Standard WPWin function
AltShift S Strikeout Standard WPWin function
Ctrl T

Transposes 2 Characters ^TRANSPO.WCM

Put the insert bar AFTER the 2nd character to be transposed.

CtrlShift T

Transposes 2 Words ^TRANSPW.WCM

Put the insert bar anywhere in the 2nd word.

Ctrl U

Upper Case ^UPPER.WCM

Select On: upper cases the selected text. Select Off: upper cases the word on which the insert bar is resting. The cursor then advances to the next word.

CtrlShift U

Superscript ^SUPSCRP.WCM

Inserts a superscript code, or superscripts selected text.

AltShift U Underline Standard WPWin function
CtrlAlt U

Numbers to Superscript ^NUM_SUP.WCM

Converts all numbers in a word to superscript: X2 => X2. Put the cursor anywhere in the word, or select a block of text and convert each word in the block that has numbers.

CtrlAltShift U


Use while cursor is immediately after a word; italicizes the whole word and superscripts the last character. Useful for math and scientific terms.

Ctrl V Paste Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift V

VTY Closing Menu ^VTY.WCM

Pops up a list box for closings. Save a number of different closings under !VTY.xxx (in the path you want; the path is memorized from session to session), where the xxx represents different initials. This macro only displays those files. Select one to insert it into your current document.

CtrlAltShift V

Personal VTY Closing ^VTY_MY.WCM

Inserts a closing which is in the path defined by ^VTY.WCM (see above) AND which has an extension identical to the initials set in Preferences/Environment. For example, if your initials are set to be "JFL", then the file !VTY.JFL will be inserted (if it is in the path defined by ^VTY.WCM).

Ctrl W

WP Characters ^CHAR.WCM

Pops up the standard WP character window; if for the 1st time during a session, the Typographic Symbols character set is selected rather than the Iconic Symbols character set.

CtrlShift W Insert Last Selected WP Character ^CHARINS.WCM
Ctrl X Paste Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift X

Cross-Reference to Paragraph ^XREF.WCM

Behaves like the WP5.1 cross-reference function. Especially useful if you don't know what to name a cross-reference until you see the target paragraph.

Place the insert bar where the paragraph cross-reference is to be inserted, activate this macro, and you will be prompted to move the cursor to the target paragraph. A proposed name for the target is entered in an edit box, but you can change that. After selecting a target name, the target and reference are marked.

CtrlAltShift X

Text Cross-Reference #TXT_REF.WCM

This macro uses floating cells (borderless) to cross-reference TEXT (not paragraph numbers). Floating cells are treated exactly like in-line text. Any change to the target cell instantly propagates to all of the reference cells (no generate required). You may have multiple references to the same target, and multiple targets. The target can be marked with a color if desired (make sure your printer prints color as black). See further description in ^MENU.WCM item T below.

NOTE: due to a bug in 7.0, this macro sometimes does not work in 7.0.

Ctrl Y

Styles Repeat ^LASTSTY.WCM

Repeats the last style selected using ^STYLE.WCM

CtrlShift Y


Pops up normal styles dialog, but memorizes the style you select. Use with ^LASTSTY.WCM to repeat the last style selected during a session.

Ctrl Z Undo Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift Z Undelete Standard WPWin function
CtrlAlt Z Redo Standard WPWin function
Ctrl [ Paragraph ¶ Symbol (script)
CtrlShift [ Paragraph ¶ Symbol + HardSpace (script)
Ctrl ] Section § Symbol (script)
CtrlShift ] Section § Symbol + HardSpace (script)
Ctrl '

Plain Single Quote ^QUOTE1.WCM

Inserts non-curly single quote mark.

CtrlShift "

Plain Double Quote ^QUOTE2.WCM

Inserts non-curly double quote mark.

Ctrl ` QwikMacro Play Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift ` QwikMacro Record Standard WPWin function
Alt ` *

Show Last 10 Macros for Replay $LASTMAC.WCM

Shows the last 10 macros played; prompts before playing. The macro allows you to enter a macro by name; a blank field brings up the macro play dialog.

Ctrl \

Elevate Current Line to Top of Screen ^ELEVATE.WCM

Simply scrolls the current line close to the top of the screen, so following text can be seen.

AltShift #

Convert Numerals to Words ^NUMCNVT.WCM

Converts numerals under the cursor to words; if a dollar sign ($) is detected within the current word or the end of the previous word, the number is considered a dollar and cents amount; if a percent sign (%) is detected within at the current word or beginning of the next word, the number is considered a percent amount. EXAMPLES:

within 60 days --> within Sixty (60) days

$ 100.00 --> One Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($100.00)

98% --> Ninety Eight Percent (98%)

CtrlShift DEL

Delete Word But Leave Punctuation ^DELETE.WCM

Deletes the current word, but leaves any surrounding punctuation.

Ctrl INS

Copy Menu ^COPY.WCM

When text is selected, this works like normal to copy that text. When text is not selected, this macro pops up a menu to choose what to copy (word, line, sentence, paragraph, page, document) and gives you "to beginning of" and "to end of" options for each.

Shift DEL

Cut Menu ^CUT.WCM

When text is selected, this works like normal to cut that text. When text is not selected, this macro pops up a menu to choose what to cut (word, line, sentence, paragraph, page, document) and gives you "to beginning of" and "to end of" options for each.

CtrlShift INS Paste Simple Standard WPWin function
CtrlShift /

Select Menu ^SELECT.WCM

This macro pops up a menu to choose what to select (word, line, sentence, paragraph, page, document) and gives you "to beginning of" and "to end of" options for each.

Alt /

Blank Screen ^BLANK.WCM

Blanks the screen. Press ESC to quit. Press "[" to make non-scrolling, "]" to restore scrolling.




Move to Left of Line or Cell ^ALTLEFT.WCM

In normal text, moves the cursor all the way to the left of the line. When tables are on, and the cursor is not at the left "edge" of the cell, goes to the left side of the text in the cell. If the cursor is at the left "edge" of the cell, goes to the cell to the left.




Move to Right of Line or Cell ^ALTRITE.WCM

Similar to Alt-Left




Move Down One Sentence ^SENTDN.WCM

Moves the insert bar down one sentence.




Move Up One Sentence ^SENTUP.WCM

Moves the insert bar up one sentence.

Shift F2

Find Next Standard WPWin function

Added to DOS keyboard to match CUA keyboard.

Alt F2

Find Prev Standard WPWin function

Added to DOS keyboard to match CUA keyboard.

Shift >

Period (Script)

Inserts a period (.); prevents inserting a > character by accident.

Shift <

Comma (Script)

Inserts a comma (,); prevents inserting a < character by accident.

Alt .

> character (Script)

Inserts the > character (because Shift-> is redefined as a period).

Alt ,

< character (Script)

Inserts the < character (because Shift-< is redefined as a comma).


Hyphen, EN dash, EM dash ^DASH.WCM; ^DASH2.WCM

(not assigned to the Hyphen key in the example keyboard files)

For ^DASH.WCM, the first press types a hyphen; press again immediately after a hyphen to get an en dash character; press again immediately after a an en dash character to get an em dash character.

For ^DASH2.WCM, a 4th press prompts you to draw an underscore line across the page from the current position. Assign ^DASH2.WCM to the Hyphen key as a substitute for ^DASH.WCM.


End of Line/End of Document, based on my name ^END.WCM

Forces "END" to go to end-of-document instead of end-of-line when "John Land" appears in the Environment Preferences Name.

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!JLMACRO.WPD This document.
!CALENDR.WPD Perpetual calendar, large size.
!CALSML.WPD Perpetual calendar, small size.
!CALTINY.WPD Perpetual calendar, tiny size.
!CALTOTE.WPD Perpetual calendar, large size, with table math to add up daily hours.
!BUTTONS.WPD Example of "live" radio and checkbox buttons in a document.
!JL.WPT Template with example keyboard definition, DOS and WIN (CUA).
!JLBOXES.WPT Example of "live" radio and checkbox buttons in a template.
!STAMPER.WPT Template with embedded self-stamping macro ($STAMPER.WCM).
$BUTTONS.WCM Called by hypertext codes to active/clear radio & checkbox buttons.
$ROWBTTN.WCM Called by hypertext codes to active/clear radio buttons in table rows.
$REDATE.WCM Called by hypertext code to reset a text date to today.
$AUTOCAL.WCM Called by hypertext code to update perpetual calendar.
$STAMPER.WCM Prompts you to filestamp a document upon creating a new document and before closing or before printing it. You get to pick many of the settings you like for a file stamp (e.g., justification; font; color; point size; location; type of structure - header, footer, etc.; document name and/or path - text or code; initials, etc.).
!TODO.WPD A To-Do list in a table, with hypertext buttons to activate functions.
$TODO.WCM Used with !TODO.WPD, to change symbols in To-Do list.
$SORT_A.WCM Used with !TODO.WPD, sorts columns in ascending order.
$SORT_D.WCM Used with !TODO.WPD, sorts columns in descending order.



Used to store/recall text saved by ^PSRQ.WCM macro.



Used to quickly insert Heading Styles 1 through 9; also see ^HEADING.WCM.



Used to set paragraph levels for ^PARA#.WCM macro; also see ^PARASEL.WCM.
!QCWORDS.LST A list of most of the QuickCorrect typos and corrections that ship with WPWin 6.1, plus a few extra.



MACRO: ^PSRQ.WCM (do not rename without changing associated macros CTRL0.WCM-CTRL9.WCM).

FUNCTION: Stores & recalls up to 38 phrases of ANY length that fit on disk; can be used in any part of WPWin where text can be blocked & saved to disk.

INSTALLATION: Put ^PSRQ.WCM and the 10 macros CTRL0.WCM to CTRL9.WCM in your standard macro directory. Recommended key assignment: CTRL Q.


Storing a Phrase - Block the phrase (text and codes) that you want to store, and start the macro. The macro will ask you for a character from 0 to 9, or A to Z (upper or lower case), or ' (forward single quote) or ` (backward single quote), or / to go to the Clear menu (see below). (Pressing ENTER will store a blocked phrase to Ctrl0). After you enter a character, the blocked text and codes will be saved to disk in a new directory called PHRASE depending from your standard macro directory.

SHORTCUT: if you are saving selected text to one of the Ctrl0-Ctrl9 combo keys, just press those keys directly rather than run the ^PSRQ.WCM macro. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to save the selected text to that CTRL# key.

Existing text in a file of the same name is OVERWRITTEN, UNLESS you save your text under the symbols ' (forward single quote) or ` (backward single quote). Text saved to these symbols is APPENDED to any existing text already saved there. This is handy if you are going through a document and copying non-consecutive portions for use elsewhere.

Recalling a Stored Phrase - IF YOU ENTERED A NUMBER FROM 0 TO 9 WHEN STORING A PHRASE, you can retrieve the phrase stored "under" each such number by pressing Ctrl#, where # is from 0 to 9.

If stored a phrase under a character other than 0-9, run the ^PSRQ.WCM macro with SELECT off. You will be prompted for a character from 0 to 9, or A to Z (upper or lower case), or ' (forward single quote) or ` (backward single quote), or / to get the Clear menu. The corresponding stored phrase will be retrieved from disk.

CLEARING CTRL # KEYS - If you enter / to get the Clear menu, you will be presented with 3 choices: (1) "S" to clear a specific Ctrl key and associated file; (2) "A" to clear all Ctrl keys and associated files; (3) "C" to clear all Ctrl# keys and associated files. The S and C clear options are the only ways to clear the ' and ` files, since new text is appended to them rather than written over them. The corresponding entries for the phrase list macros are also cleared.


This macro works in conjunction with a document named !TODO.WPD, which MUST be in your default document folder (set in Preferences). !TODO.WPD has several items marked in blue text - all blue areas are hypertext buttons.

Certain column headings are marked in blue; clicking on these headings will sort the table in !TODO.WPD by that column (secondarily by the Description column).

The blue symbols, when clicked on, call up the $TODO.WCM macro dialog. Use this dialog to set the symbol for a to-do item, the date an item was received or is due, and/or to mark an item as "priority" or "personal". This dialog also allows you to add or delete rows from the table. You can pre-set the symbol and/or dates for added rows.

Marking an item "done" inserts a date done value. You can unmark a "done" item by selecting another symbol (the date done value is then deleted).

Marking an item "assigned to" also allows you to add the initials of the person to whom a task was assigned. (You must edit the macro to add your own default list of initials.)

If you selecting the archiving function, all of the rows marked "done" will be removed from the table and appended to a file named !TODO.WPA, also located in your default document folder.

If you put the $TODO.WCM macro on a toolbar or menu, clicking or selecting it will cause the macro to search for an open copy of !TODO.WPD; if not found, !TODO.WPD is opened (which is why it MUST be in your default document folder).

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^MENU.WCM pops up a menu to start up the following macros. All of the macros must be located in the standard macro directory. [NOTE: These macros can be used alone without the menu. -Ed.]

There are presently 2 pages of menus; Next Page and Prev Page buttons are provided to choose between them. The menus may be customized, and additional pages added, but this requires some knowledge of macro writing.


Allows selection of a 3-line OR 4-line, right justified notice regardless of where the cursor is in the text. The notices are:








Shows a menu for selection of a stamp, with many options for placement, location, type of substructure (footer, header, etc.), font, and color. Optional stamping text (e.g., "DRAFT") can be added, as well as author's name or initials (from Preferences). Also, an "auto" incrementing revision number is available (will not work if the stamp is put in a comment). The macro now deletes prior stamps (except within comments), and saves your settings.

Note that Watermark B is used if a text box is selected, AND it is placed on every page.



Shows a menu for selection of a page X of Y stamp, with many options for placement, location, type of substructure (footer, header, etc.), appearance, font, and color.



Inserts a stamp vertically in the left margin using Watermark B. Includes DRAFT, REDLINE, RESPONSE REQUIRED, RESPONSE OPTIONAL, INFORMATIONAL ONLY, CONFIDENTIAL, COPY, SECOND COPY, and SAMPLE, you can also specify your own, including point size and gray shade. The general position on the page and rotation (in 90 increments) can be specified.



Allows you to change FROM a relative size or an appearance attribute TO a different size and/or one or more appearance attributes (including color), or to entirely remove the original attribute. The macro also allows changing text between a selected attribute to upper case, lower case, or initial caps.

The macro can also add one or more attributes to a specified term or phrase. You can also specify "marker" text (starting and ending characters or text) and change the attributes of text between the markers (optionally including the markers). If using marker characters (e.g., "//"), deselect "Whole words only". Best used in prompted mode.

The macro can accept a WP document containing a list of words or phrases to scan for in a document in order to change attributes.

The macro also allows changing text between a selected attribute to upper case, lower case, or initial caps, and deletion of start/end markers.

This macro can be run in a mode that prompts for each conversion. It uses extended searching, so it converts in footnotes, headers, footers, etc. It can search backwards, too.



Searches and replaces text paragraph numbers (e.g., 1.1, 1.11, 1(c), etc.) and replaces them with automatic paragraph numbering codes. Useful for converting a document keyed in with fixed character paragraph numbers. Position dependent and independent paragraph codes can be selected.

Note that ANY paragraph beginning with a 1-6 character "word" AND having a ( or ) or . within the word is considered to be a paragraph number. Thus, a paragraph BEGINNING with "U.S.A." WILL have the "U.S.A." converted into a paragraph code. Accordingly, this macro normally should be used in prompted mode.

Can also be used to add paragraph numbers to existing "plain" text that has no text paragraph numbers; this forces prompted mode.



Searches and replaces paragraph number codes and replaces them with their text equivalent. Useful for converting text to fixed paragraph numbers for purposes of accurately quoting the original paragraphing (for example, in patent amendments).



Menu to select a number of functions to fix text problems:

  • Fix line endings by removing occurrences of extra spaces before or after a carriage return codes, page codes, table cells, etc., and fix the endings of footnotes and endnotes to delete unwanted spaces, HRt codes, tabs, and indents.

  • Delete excess HRt codes to at most 2 in sequence.

  • Change single
  • HRt codes to spaces (useful for cleaning up imported ASCII text files); leaves alone a sequence of HRt codes separating paragraphs

  • Change typewriter "quotes" to "fancy" printers quotes.

  • Deletes "empty" attribute pairs in a document (e.g., [UND][und], with no printable characters in between).

  • Convert paired hyphens to a single printers em dash or en dash, or a hyphen character to a hyphen, or a "[space] hyphen [space]" to an en dash. The macro inserts an "invisible soft return" before and after each em dash, and after (not before) each en dash, so that words divided by dashes can break at the end of a line.

  • Converts double spaces to single spaces.

  • Delete extra spaces in a document to at most 2 in sequence.

  • Convert spaces to left tabs or left indents (you can select the minimum number of spaces to search; the default is 3).

  • Convert left tabs to left indents.


    Allows you to easily delete selected codes from a document, such as FONT, FONT_SIZE, LINE_SPACING, etc.




    Both macros italicize such terms as e.g., i.e., etc. You can also add your own phrase if not covered by the checkbox options.

    #ITALIC2.WCM uses a form of listbox that makes it easier to permanently add other terms (this requires some knowledge of macro programming). #ITALICS.WCM draws its dialog box faster.



    Converts the selected text to a footnote or an endnote, as prompted. If no text is selected, prompts for creation of a blank footnote or endnote.

    This macro will also convert specially marked text (e.g., marked by // before and after) to footnotes or endnotes, from the point in your document where you start the macro until the end of the document.



    Converts footnotes to endnotes, or endnotes to footnotes. Also allows copying the contents of footnotes or endnotes to a different document, and deletion of footnotes or endnotes and replacement of the corresponding note markers with superscript numbers.



    Converts comments to specially-marked text, or specially-marked text to comments, in a reversible way.



    Copies the default system styles from your standard template to the current document. The macro can also update the initial font and redline method, and does so by creating a new document and saving the initial font and redline method to a custom BIF file. Thereafter, the BIF file values are used until you indicate that you want the BIF file updated.

    The document must then be saved to keep the new codes. Useful for "standardizing" a document typed by another to your style.



    Allows you to select common dates and styles (text or code), as well as a short legal date (e.g., "the 15th of October, 1995") or long legal date (e.g., "the fifteenth day of October, 1995").

    Also has a conversion function that converts text "Month Day, Year" to "MM/DD/YY", and vice versa. (These are the defaults; you can chose several other numeric date formats, and the separator as one of / or - or .).



    If not in a table, prompts to create a table. If in a table, calls the WPWin table expert to select table line styles.



    Pops up a table of state postal abbreviations. Informational only.



    Permits, for example, changing "Plaintiff" to "Defendant", and "Defendant" to "Plaintiff" (no prompting for changes). Allows for forward or backward searching.



    Presents a menu to insert hypertext codes for:

    (1) radio buttons

    (2) checkbox buttons

    (3) changeable text date

    Checkbox buttons get filled in or cleared independently of each other. Radio buttons are mutually exclusive - only one will be on at a time. A marked radio button can be cleared by clicking on the button again. Changes for radio buttons within tables are limited to the local table. This allows making forms with radio buttons that are independent of other tables. An option allows you to limit the range of radio buttons to a single table row.

    Defined radio buttons: . Defined checkbox buttons: (the last 4 are identified in the dialog as H, D, C, and S, since the characters do not display in a dialog listbox); an alternating checkbox pair /, insertable by separate option; a radio button pair /, insertable by separate option; (serif typeface); (sans serif typeface).

    The changeable text date allows you to put a text date in a recurrently used document where a date code may be inappropriate, but where you may wish to easily update the date to today's date.

    Buttons are shown in color on the screen, but should print black on most non-color printer. If not, change your hypertext style to remove the color codes.

    Macros $REDATE.WCM, $BUTTONS.WCM, and $ROWBTTN.WCM are the actual working macros called by the hypertext codes.



    This macro uses floating cells (borderless) to cross-reference TEXT (not paragraph numbers). Floating cells are treated exactly like in-line text. Any change to the target cell instantly propagates to all of the reference cells (no generate required). You may have multiple references to the same target, and multiple targets. The target can be marked with a color if desired (make sure your printer prints color as black).

    Example: Put a text cross-reference in a header to the addressee's name, and the header will AUTOMATICALLY update when the name is changed.

    The macro prompts you through the process. The macro will not work within a table. Text in a reference should NOT be directly edited, since it is really a "formula", and editing will break the link to the target text.

    Note that you CAN put a target in a comment, so you can put all of your text "variables" in a comment at the beginning of a document and update references in a form simply by editing the targets within the comment.

    For multiple references, you can use a standard WP Search to find key words in an existing document and replace them with a reference cell, in make the document self-updating (e.g., search for "Smith" and replace with a cross-reference to a target cell). This process is semi-automated - you search for a term, then insert a reference cell by pressing an "Insert" button, then press "Find Next" to find the next occurrence, etc.

    This macro is a little "fragile", so it may not work for all situations.



    Prints only those pages of a document that have redline codes.



    If text is NOT selected, searches for a "re:" (note the colon) line in your document and then saves the following paragraph into the document summary Subject section. Useful for changing the summary section of a letter or memo when using a prior version of a document as a model, and the old summary is no longer appropriate.

    If text IS selected, copies that text into the document summary Descriptive Name section.



    Used in conjunction with ^ATTRINS.WCM and ^ATTR.WCM, which can mark text with a special shade of color, this macro can make those shades "invisible" by changing them to white. If you print your document, the white text will not print but will take up the same amount of space, thus preserving all line lengths (which hidden text does not do). Useful for test questions and answers. This macro also can change the white text back to a selected shade of "invisible" ink.



    Allows you to select a macro and apply it (prompted or unprompted) to selected files. The macro can traverse subdirectories.

    This macro now detects file types that can be opened by WPWin 6.x, and allows you to designate a file type for saving. If your macro does not cause any modification of a file, the file is NOT saved but merely closed, UNLESS you check "Force Save". This macro can force opening of files in particular formats (not tested for all formats).

    NOTE: your macro CANNOT use "QUIT" to terminate, since that command closes ALL running macros.




    #GETBOXS.WCM calls a template named !JLBOXES.WPT (which you can modify, but must be in your main or supplemental template directory) containing "live" radio and checkbox hypertext buttons. Clicking on the buttons calls $BUTTONS.WCM, which must be in your standard macro directory.

    Checkbox buttons get filled in or cleared independently of each other. Radio buttons are mutually exclusive - only one will be on at a time. A marked radio button can be cleared by clicking on the button again.

    Buttons are shown in color on the screen, but should print black on a non-color printer.

    To insert buttons, you can use "Insert Hypertext Buttons" off of the menu generated by ^MENU.WCM (this runs the macro named #BUTTON.WCM). Alternatively, you can copy the sample buttons from !JLBOXES.WPT or !BUTTONS.WPD to other documents (but be sure to copy the beginning and ending hypertext style codes, plus the button character in between).



    Presents a submenu of 3 macros:

    A Number Patent Application Claims #CLAIMS1.WCM

    Automatically numbers lines in individual claims in a patent application. You may select the position, point size, numbering interval, and font for the numbers. Requirements for setup:

  • Each claim MUST begin with a [Par Num:Auto] code (automatic paragraphing).

  • Each claim MUST end with a period (internal "periods" like decimal points are ignored).

  • The claims section MUST begin with at least the word "CLAIMS" (in all caps). NOTE: do not use "CLAIMS" in all caps anywhere else in the document.

  • The claims section MUST end with a section that includes the word "ABSTRACT" (in all caps).

    Note: due to an anomaly of WPWin line numbering, a hard return must be inserted after every claim-ending period. This macro does that, but pagination may be affected.

    B Number Patent Amendment Claims #CLAIMS2.WCM

    Semi-automatically numbers lines in individual claims in a patent amendment. You may select the position, point size, numbering interval, and font for the numbers. Requirements for setup:

  • The cursor must be in or before the first paragraph of the first claim to number. The claim can begin with an automatic paragraphing code, or an Arabic number (from 1-999) followed by a period.

  • Each claim MUST end with a period (internal "periods" like decimal points are ignored).

    The macro will highlight what it detects as a claim, and prompt you to number or skip it. If the macro finds the word "REMARKS" as the first word of a paragraph, the macro will end there; otherwise, it will test paragraphs for being a claim until it reaches the end of the document.

    C Cleanup Amended Claims #CLAIMS3.WCM

    Useful for "cleaning" amended patent claims by removing underlining and deleting bracketed text. To run, SELECT (BLOCK) the claims to "clean", and the macro will (1) remove all underlining in the selected text, and (2) prompt you to delete text in square brackets [like this].

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    Allows you to change the DOS date and time of selected files. Can traverse subdirectories. You MUST use a "slash" as the date delimiter in your Control Panel settings.



    Adds a list of typos and corrections to the QuickCorrect feature. The list must be in the following format:

    Typo [LeftTab] Correction [HRt]

    See !QCWORDS.LST for a list of most of the typos and corrections that ship with WPWin 6.1, plus a few extra.



    Moves files ending with BK! to a selected backup directory, so that they don't clutter your directory tree. If files with the same names already exist in the backup directory, you will be prompted to overwrite them, on a directory-by-directory basis. Can traverse subdirectories.



    Counts occurrences of a specified term. Options for forward, backward, from top of document, and whole words only.



    Gives count of:

    (1) letter and/or number frequencies;

    (2) word and character count (same as WP Document Info, except that the result is put in a comment at the top of the document);

    (3) unique terms in a basic (i.e., no footnotes, endnotes, etc.) document (requires an empty document screen to work).

    Note: due to differences in the way WP 6.1 and WP 7.0 parse punctuation, some text will generate differences in counts for the two versions.




    Presents a menu to select perpetual calendars in 1 of 3 forms: Single page; 2 months on one page; 12 months on one page. Generates calendars from 1583 to 5000. The 12 month/page calendar can start on any month (e.g., July to June).

    The month name at the top of each monthly calendar is a hypertext button; click on it to get a dialog (from $AUTOCAL.WCM) to change the starting month. By clicking on the checkbox, you can individually change a single month on any calendar displaying more than one month.

    You need the following documents in your macro directory: !CALENDR.WPD, !CALSML.WPD, and !CALTINY.WPD.

    If you type into the calendars (which are tables), save under a different name. The update macro, $AUTOCAL.WCM, will still work.




    Presents a perpetual calendar, with a range from 1583 to 5000, that also totals up daily numeric values (e.g., hours) by the week and the month.

    The month name at the top of the calendar is a hypertext button; click on it to get a dialog (from $AUTOCAL.WCM) to change the starting month.

    You need the following document in your macro directory: !CALTOTE.WPD.

    Once you enter numbers into the calendar (which is a table), save under a different name. The update macro, $AUTOCAL.WCM, will still work.



    For legal citations, converts underlined cites containing "v." to italics.

    I Not used
    J Not used
    K Not used
    L Not used
    M Not used
    N Not used
    O Not used
    P Not used
    Q Not used
    R Not used
    S Not used
    T Not used
    U Not used
    V Not used
    W Not used
    X Not used
    Y Not used
    Z Not used

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    Assign to a button, key, or menu of your choice
    $10DOCS.WCM Displays the last 10 documents that you designate, and allows you to select which ones to load (up to 9). Provides a menu of your 10 favorite documents.
    $10DIRS.WCM Displays up to 10 directories that you designate, and allows you to select which one to access for FileOpen operations.
    $LAST10.WCM Displays the last 10 saved documents in 6.1, and the last 9 opened documents in 7.0 and 8.0 (including macros and inserted document files), and allows you to select which ones to reload (up to 9).
    $REPLAY.WCM Replays the very last macro played; prompts before playing. The macro allows you to enter a macro by name; a blank field brings up the macro play dialog.
    $LASTMAC.WCM Similar to $REPLAY.WCM and $MAC10.WCM (see below), but provides easier access to the last macro played while allowing you to select from the last 10 macros accessed. The macro allows you to enter a macro by name; a blank field brings up the macro play dialog. Suggested assignment: Alt ` (back single quote). This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $LOOK_A.WCM Starts the OPEN FILE dialog for the A: drive.
    $SAVE2.WCM Saves the current file to your choice of the A: drive and/or up to 2 a "favorite" directories (which are memorized after each change). The macro provides a choice to either close the document after saving, or to re-open the document from the original location.
    $SAVE2A.WCM Saves the current file to the A: drive under its current name unless (1) it is unnamed (you will be prompted by the normal WP prompt) or (2) you are using SoftSolutions (SS). SS names a file saved by a macro to "0" or "1"; if the file being saved is named either "0" or "1" (7.0) or has the string "ODMA" in it (6.1), the macro prompts you for a new name, checks to see if it is a valid DOS name, and then saves the file to A:\ under the new name, with confirmation back to you. In the 6.1 version, the SS number code for the document is suggested as the default name. Not tested in 8.0 with SoftSolutions.
    $SAVEAS.WCM Like the regular SaveAs function, but lets you start by editing the existing name (if any) of the current document. In WP 7.0 and 8.0, this macro forces all documents in a directory/folder to be displayed - normally, WP7.0 and 8.0 display only documents with an extension of .WPD.
    $XREFBAR.WCM Opens the Cross-Reference feature bar with the default Reference type set to Paragraph/Outline.
    $MAC10.WCM Displays the last 10 macros accessed (e.g., played, recorded, edited), and allows you to select which one to play, or to select the macro play dialog, or enter a macro by name. Whichever macro you select will be placed at the top of the list for the next time (except macros entered by name). This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $MAC4.WCM Displays the last 4 (5 in WP 8.0) macros played using the standard WP Alt-10 or equivalent menu function, and allows you to select which one to play, or to select the macro play dialog, or enter a macro by name. Whichever macro you select will be placed at the top of the list for the next time (except macros entered by name). This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $QWIKMAC.WCM Quickly runs a macro entered by name. If no name is entered, displays the FileOpen dialog for running macros. Can be used in place of a Macro Play button. This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $MAC10ED.WCM Displays the last 10 macros accessed (e.g., played, recorded, edited), and allows you to select which one to edit, or to select the macro edit dialog. Whichever macro you select will be placed at the top of the list for the next time. This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $MAC_ED.WCM Edits the last macro played.
    $QWIK_ED.WCM Quickly edits a macro entered by name. If no name is entered, displays the FileOpen dialog for editing macros. Can be used in place of a Macro Edit button. This macro reads AND writes to your personal BIF file in 6.1, and to the WPWin95 Registry in 7.0 and 8.0; not fully tested in a networked environment.
    $QWIKFND.WCM For 7.0 and 8.0 only: allows one-button access to a default custom search index in the QuickFinder feature (must be the "top" search index; add a "!" as the first character of your main custom search index so that it will be at the top of the list).
    $ZOOM.WCM A toggle macro: first time, it zooms the document to full page view with Reveal Codes turned off (if it was on); next time, it zooms back to draft mode and turns Reveal Codes back on (if it was on the previous time).
    $CUR_MAC.WCM Plays the macro currently being edited. Best if assigned to a toolbar.



    Assign to a button (preferred), key, or menu of your choice
    _CODES.WCM Shows codes left and right of cursor. You can move the cursor and the display of codes is automatically refreshed, allowing you to see multiple codes while the macro is running. Useful for macro programming.
    _COMMENT.WCM Toggles comment markers (//) in front of the current line or selected text (skips blank lines)
    _ENHANCE.WCM Changes current line to red, and allows you to move up or down lines, "enhancing" each in turn.
    _QWIKSAV.WCM Saves a macro without compiling it.
    _TAB.WCM Tabs a block of selected text one tab position; leaves original text selected for further tabbing, if desired. No version for 7.0 or 8.0, since Tab now does the same thing.
    _TESTMAC.WCM A simple macro for ease of testing #MASSMAC.WCM in a "dry" run. It returns the name of a document file retrieved by #MASSMAC.WCM, but does not change the document.
    _UNTAB.WCM Untabs a block of selected text one tab position; leaves original text selected for further untabbing, if desired. No version for 7.0 or 8.0, since Shift-Tab now does the same thing.



    (See original document included with macro collection.)

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