Descriptions / Downloads |
Mike Fitzhugh |
PerfectScript Array Theory: Beginning to Intermediate
[115-page PDF file]
is primarily aimed at amateur macro writers who’ve grown too big for
their old britches but whose new ones still drag on the ground and trip
them up—people who score some initial successes with macros (who have,
for example, worked their way through Doug Loudenback's excellent Common Person's Macro Manual)
and then get ambitious, only to be given a rude awakening by
intransigent arrays. The context for this exploration of arrays is
PerfectScript, the WordPerfect macro language. Syntax aside, much of
this material applies to arrays in programming languages other than
PerfectScript, but I don’t have a computer-science degree and my
knowledge of other languages is spotty; if you’re interested in general
array theory, this may not fulfill your needs."
See some reviews of Mike's document at WordPerfect Universe here.
Download PERFECTSCRIPTARRAYTHEORY.ZIP (10/25/2018; 589,047 bytes)
Ron Hirsch
Download REPLACE.ZIP by Ron Hirsch (35,616
Contains 2 macros:
Replace Codes - Plus.wcm (v1.04)(Minor update 01/24/18) - for WordPerfect
version 9 (c. 1999) and later.
[Modified by Barry MacDonnell (with permission).]
font size via menu.wcm (see below).
For other macros by Ron Hirsch - see below.
For a similar macro see Replace Codes by Barry MacDonnell
This related macro (listed in the main Library) can also search for a menu-chosen text attribute wherever
found in the document and then change it to something else — such as replace
underlines with italics.
From the macro's menu (screen shot) you can choose from a drop list of 16 attributes to find; then choose to either -
[1] replace it wherever it is found with a different attribute (or a style), or
[2] add an attribute to it (i.e., augment it), or
[3] simply
remove the attribute.
An option lets you pause at each item found to allow you
to either
process it or skip to the next item.
Unlike Ron's macro it it does not have the option to remove underlying text (but see some cautions below when using any macro to delete taxt).
The Replace Codes.wcm macro can be downloaded in the Library here.
■ Replace Codes - Plus.wcm (v1.04; 01/24/18)
This macro
can change, augment
(i.e., add to), or remove text attribute
codes such as -
▸ bold
▸ italics
▸ underline
▸ double
▸ highlighting |
▸ strikeout
▸ shadow
▸ small
▸ redline
Codes can be turned off,
added to, or deleted. While it is possible to do code deletions via
WP's search and replace feature, changing codes in a large
document can
be a long and arduous task without the use of a macro to do the work."
[-Ron Hirsch]
When played a menu will appear (screen shot):
addition to presenting several choices relating to specific format
codes, four options on the bottom of the menu allow you to -
start at the top of the document or the current cursor location;
• pause and
prompt you for each change;
• work inside
headers, footers,
footnotes, and endnotes; and/or
• delete both the chosen item's codes and
the text between them.
For example:
• You
can change all underlines to italics (or vice
or all bold words to bold
underlined redlined words, or add
to all (or some) words to which another
attribute was already applied.
(For Strikeout and Redline, be sure to see
the related tip below.)
• You can delete chosen text attribute codes by
simply clearing (un-ticking) one or more boxes on the right-hand side of the macro's
• You can delete chosen text attribute codes AND the text to which they were applied — also useful for removing "draft" text or other
• You can replace (e.g.) bold
text attributes (format codes) in the document with a custom character style containing the same bold attribute, to
make it easier to
change the style's attributes later throughout the document by changing
any one instance of the style. [This is one of the main advantages of using a style. For more on styles, see here.]
Important notes and tips for Replace Codes - Plus
☼ Format or navigation codes located
inside styles, text variables, or delay codes in your document cannot be replaced or
augmented with this macro — or
even with WordPerfect's own Edit, Find and Replace.
This is a
design limitation of WordPerfect (at least in recent
versions). Searches — either manual or using a macro — cannot "see"
inside such code
▸ See the tip about File, Document, Remove Markings under the Strikeout
and Redline section below.
▸ You can
edit the [Style] or [Delay] code by double-clicking on the code in
Reveal Codes, then remove the specific codes.
▸ Alternatively,
you can replace
styles that contain unwanted codes with a different style (or just
remove the styles) using a macro such as ReplStyl.
▸ Or you can
(e.g.) remove the
styles but leave their included format codes behind with Format,
Styles, <choose the style>, Options, Delete, "Leave formatting
codes in document," OK.
☼ Applying
a custom style as a
replacement for a text attribute:
in version 1.02 (for WP9 and later versions
only) is the ability to apply a style to replace an existing format
For example,
you could replace highlighted text with a
custom format style (that may also contain highlighting).
Since a
style can contain more than one format attribute (a style is like a
container of several formatting codes and/or text) this may be useful
under a variety of circumstances.
Plus, once you apply a style, it is
easy to change the "look" of the style wherever it appears by simply
changing one instance of that style.
If you later need to replace the new style with another
style, you can use the REPLSTYL
macro. (REPLSTYL can also remove a style.) You can also include codes
in a style to mark the style (thus,
any instance of it in the document) for inclusion in a Table of
applying styles to replace format attributes:
• The style
you want to use must exist in the current document. When asked, be sure
to enter the name EXACTLY as it appears in the document's Style List
(on the text property bar, or shown in Format, Styles).
• For the purpose of the Replace Codes - Plus macro, styles can
be either Paragraph styles or Character styles. However, Paragraph styles will
the entire paragraph to which they are applied, which may or may not be
what you want. (They should work well if the original formatted
selection was also a paragraph.)
• On the other
hand, Character
styles will affect only text bracketed by the pair of format codes that
you chose from the main menu's left group, and probably are the most useful.
• Note that
Document ("Open") styles will not work properly in this macro since
they have no ending ("off") codes; therefore, use
only Paragraph or Character
• If you
enable the "Stop at each item..." option on the dialog that appears
when you choose to appply a style (or if you choose the "Prompt..."
option from the main menu) you will see the effects of applying the
style to a particular item. If you don't like the result, you can Quit
at that point. (Any changes can be undone with Edit, Undo (or Ctrl+Z).)
☼ Applying highlighting in WordPerfect X4 and later versions:
In these
WordPerfect versions, if you use Tools,
Redaction during draft document creation, Redaction codes ([Redact:Mark])
will be inserted in the document.
These appear to act like (gray)
highlighting and they might be removed if highlighting is applied or if [Highlight]
codes are removed globally by the macro.
Be careful when applying (or removing)
highlighting in such a document. You don't want to accidentally remove
"markers" for text that should be redacted. It is better to convert the document
to a redacted version first, whereupon the Redaction codes will have done their job. For more information about this issue and
some macro code snippets, see this PDF
The default
highlight color (bright yellow) used by the macro when adding
highlighting is coded into the macro (at about line 36) with the command -
HighlightColor (Red: 255; Green:
255; Blue: 0; Shade: 100).
If you remove or comment out this
command ("//"), you'll be able to preselect any highlight color before
playing the macro.
In the same vein, you can set some other default
color for the macro to use by changing the command's parameters (color
values can be 0-255; shade values are 0-100).
To replace one
highlight color with another wherever it occurs, simply play the macro
and replace all existing highlighting in the document with something
you aren't using in that document, such as the Shadow font attribute.
Then set the new highlight color on the toolbar and play the macro
again, replacing all Shadow attributes with highlighting. Or, you could
use HILITERC (included in HILITE.ZIP)
to change the color of existing highlighting in a document.
☼ To change attribute codes
to plain text "markers":
a macro that changes text surrounded by attribute codes (e.g., [Bold
On]..[Bold Off]) to text surrounded by user-defined text markers (e.g.,
<B>..</B>), such as HTML tags, Folio markup codes, Ventura
codes, etc.
☼ To
change or augment existing multiple
text attributes or other formatting applied to certain words or phrases
in the document, such as changing italicized redline to Arial 10-point bold, see Footnote 2.
☼ To apply format attributes to specific words throughout
the document in one pass:
Some other macros that can find specific words/phrases anywhere they appear in
document and add a font attribute (e.g., italics or redline) to all of
them. See
the footnotes here.
Deleting text characters marked with certain text attributes like
Strikeout and Redline is a common editing task — but you should keep in mind
that you could be deleting TOO much material when you use an automated method to delete these items.
Here's a little background information that should help.
• Strikeout and redline font
attributes are paired format codes — i.e., they have both an "On" code and an
"Off" code. These "bracketing" attributes are typically
applied from either the Format, Font menu or from a button on the Text property bar. [To apply
them with a shortcut key see this
tip on the main Tips page.]
[Side note:
These two font attributes are NOT the same
thing as deletions and insertions created with
File, Document, Compare/Review — even though they may look the same on
The Compare/Review feature (which is not available in some current editions or
some early versions of WordPerfect) produces deletions and insertions using
codes that work differently from the ordinary strikeout
and redline attributes discussed here.
Hence these Compare/Review codes are not processed by the Replace Codes macro.]
• Like the Replace Codes - Plus
macro above, you can
use WordPerfect's own File, Document,
Remove Markings dialog [Screen shot] to either -
[A] remove Redline codes, along with both Strikeout codes and the
text to which strikeout was applied,
or -
[B] remove only Strikeout
codes and the text to which
they were applied.
are the first two
choices on that WordPerfect dialog. The other two
choices relate to the Compare/Review
feature which, as noted above, is a completely different
feature (and not present in all editions of WordPerfect).
• However, unlike the Replace Codes - Plus
macro above there is NO option to
at each item to ask for confirmation — something that might be
highly desirable. The WordPerfect feature works globally
on the
document, not on individual redline and strikeout items.
• Be especially aware
that when using either of the two WordPerfect (i.e., built-in) Remove Markings methods (above) to remove Strikeout or Redline text they can also remove some other codes — including
important bookmarks [see Tools, Bookmark] — that might
exist in the strikeout text area
(i.e., between the pair of [StkOut] codes).
Unless you are sure there are no bookmarks or other codes inside the
strikeout/redline areas (e.g., you are simply working on plain text), it might
be better to inspect those areas in Reveal Codes
before manually removing
their text, rather than automatically removing them with the WordPerfect Remove Markings feature.
• Using WordPerfect's Remove Markings dialog to
remove text can also leave unwanted spaces behind in the text's location.
(The DeSpacer macro
can remove extra spaces later.) Thus, you might
prefer using the Replace Codes macro and
enable the option to "Delete the chosen
attribute and all its formatted text."
• However,
the same cautions when using Replace Codes - Plus apply about
inadvertently removing some other format codes when using the delete
attribute and text option (last macro menu checkbox).
The main takeaway is this:
Using any automated method to delete both paired format
code(s) and the text to
which the formatting was applied is easy and typically without issues.
(You wanted to delete all the
material, right?)
But always be aware that any embedded formatting will ALSO
be deleted, including important bookmarks
(see Tools, Bookmark).
This might — or might not — be important to
So consider searching for bookmarks or other items (Tools, Bookmark — or just look in Reveal Codes) to see if any are important
enough to relocate first or re-create later when deciding to delete paired codes and text.
■ Replace font size via menu.wcm (v1.01; 04/13/06)
(Included in Replace.zip above)
This macro has three basic operations:
(1) It can change one font size
to another size; and (optionally)
(2) it can set a new default font at the top of the document; or
(3) it can remove the specified font size throughout the document.
Notes and tips:
• Changing one font size to another or removing a given font size in a document works only on paired
[Font Size] codes, not on single [Font Size] codes -- i.e., codes that might be part of (i.e., embedded in)
the document's
initial style or other style, or in the default template.
Explanation: Paired font
size codes are applied whenever you select
some text and change the
font size for that selection to a new value that is not the same as the "default" font size for the document.
limitation about processing only paired [Font Size] codes in a document
might be overcome with a different macro posted on WordPerfect Universe
here, which can process both paired and single font size codes. Note, however, that it only processes the body text area, not
areas inside styles or other substructures (headers, footers, notes,
etc.). Still, it might save some time and effort when changing one
specific font size in the document to another size (even fractional
point sizes).
• You can also specify decimal sizes in points (1 point = 1/72 inch). Just type the decimal size (e.g., 9.4 or 10.5) directly into the appropriate menu field(s) when you play the macro.
• To replace multiple instances of one font type
(e.g., Times New Roman) with
another font type (e.g., Arial):
[From Jan
Berinstein on WordPerfect Universe,
With the cursor at the very
top of the document, invoke Find and Replace. Click the "Type" menu at
the top of the F&R dialog box, then click "Specific Codes." In the
sub-dialog that appears, click "Font," then "OK." You should be able to
use pull-down menus to instruct WP to replace [the first font] with
[the second font], and then click "Replace All." Be sure to repeat the
process at least once, since I've found that it sometimes misses a few
instances on the first pass.
■ Other macros by Ron Hirsch ...
[Each macro is in a separate ZIP file below (i.e., not
included as a part of Replace.zip above).]
AUTORUN2.ZIP - (05/30/03; 4,987 bytes) - AutoRun2.wcm is a macro that offers
a FILE>OPEN window and plays some user-specified macro code
automatically when a document is opened. See the instructions at the
top of the macro code.
CLEANUP.ZIP - Clean up e-mail line formatting.wcm - A macro to clean up email messages copied into
WordPerfect. The macro removes hard returns within paragraphs (so that
they will wrap properly), line breaks, extra spaces, ">" and "<"
symbols, etc. See the comments at the top of the macro's code. Uploaded
11/1/99; 4,083 bytes. See also FixMsgs
in the Library, which offers similar capabilities.
FORMFILL.ZIP - FormFill 2001b.wcm - A macro to facilitate filling in preprinted (paper) forms
using WP and your printer. Useful if you need to fill in the same form
many times. See also "Filling in forms
using WordPerfect". Uploaded 9/1/02; 30,934 bytes. (Works in
WP10.0.0.719 - Ed.)
GREENBAR.ZIP - GreenBar table format.wcm is a macro that
formats tables to mimic 3-row "green bar" fanfold paper using gray
table cell fills that alternate every 3 rows with no fills. Uploaded
2/16/00; 7,711 bytes. See also RowLines
in the Library.
GRIDS.ZIP - Watermark Grid.wcm - A macro that generates various watermark grid designs in
a watermark. Great for quickly printing sheets of graph paper as well
as setting up a grid under body text. The user can set up whatever grid
sizes and rows/columns that are desired; lines and fill areas can have
colors selected by the user. Uploaded 10/27/00; 10,134 bytes.
MACROTIP.ZIP - Macro Tips and Tricks. A
short WP document to help beginners write their own macros. Uploaded
2/21/00; 8,107 bytes.
MACROS_2.ZIP - More Macro Tips and Tricks. Contains 4 files, a WPD and 3
WP8/9 macros. According to the author, "These files are the basis for a
learning experience in WP for macros and dialog boxes. The 5-page
document details the exact procedure for recording a simple macro. It
then provides the steps necessary to construct a dialog box in that
macro. Each step of the way is clearly presented, with commentary where
applicable. The three macro files are stages in the construction of the
final macro which is the third macro file. This final macro is
complete, with numerous notes, and commentary contained within the body
of the macro." Uploaded 2/25/00; 22,289 bytes.
SPECPAPR.ZIP - Special Paper Sizes - Rev 5d.wcm - A macro that fools WP
and your printer into accepting any paper size. Cures problems with
some printers that can't properly print special size pages. Uploaded
12/11/01; 20,547 bytes. Not tested under WP10 but should work in that
[Back to Top]
[Back to main Library]
John Land
Download JLMACS80.ZIP
(963,987 bytes).
Over 160 WordPerfect for Windows macros in a
ZIP archive file. Documentation included.
Written for WordPerfect Office Suite 8 (c. 1997) (and presumably for several earlier versions), but many probably work in later versions.
Originally published on
These are unsupported macros that were placed
in the public domain by the author. If you
aren't sure if these macros are for you, you can download the JLMACRO.WPD document -or- read it here online to see their descriptions and suggestions.
They are provided here primarily for those who remember John's macros
and who might want to explore them again. In other words, for
historical reasons. I have not used most of them and I have not tested
the remainder in the collection, so I cannot offer any recommendations
other than the comments below.
EXAMPLES in the download ZIP file:
• One of the most useful macros in John's
collection is #WATERMK.WCM:
"...inserts a
stamp vertically in the left margin [or any of 8 other locations] using
SAMPLE, you can also specify your own, including point size and gray
shade. The general position on the page and rotation (in 90 degree
increments) can be specified." [See screen shot.]
Once the watermark stamp is created it can be edited by double-clicking
the [Watermark] code in Reveal Codes, then double-clicking on the [Box]
code that contains the stamp. You could add a date or other information
to the stamp.
[See also Document stamper.wcm in DocStamp.zip in the Library.]
• Another good example of John's work is #FIX.WCM (FIX TEXT PROBLEMS):
▸ Fix line endings by removing
occurrences of extra spaces before or after hard return codes,
page codes, table cells, etc., and fix the endings of footnotes and
endnotes to delete unwanted spaces, HRt codes, tabs, and indents.
▸ Delete excess HRt codes to at most 2
in sequence.
[See also DelExtraHR.wcm
included in the 3-macro suite, DelCodes.zip.]
▸ Change single HRt codes to spaces
(useful for cleaning up imported ASCII text files); leaves alone a
sequence of HRt codes separating paragraphs.
[See also LineWrap.wcm in LineWrap.zip.
▸ Change typewriter "quotes" to "fancy"
printers quotes (a/k/a typographical quotes).
[See also ConvertQuoteMarks.wcm included in the 2-macro suite, QC.zip.]
▸ Deletes "empty" attribute pairs in a
document (e.g., [UND][und], with no printable characters in between).
[See also DelPairs.wcm
included in the 3-macro suite, DelCodes.zip.]
▸ Converts paired hyphens to a single
printers em dash or en dash, or a hyphen character to a hyphen, or a
"[space] hyphen [space]" to an en dash. The macro inserts an "invisible
soft return" before and after each em dash, and after (not before) each
en dash, so that words divided by dashes can break at the end of a
[See also Dashes.zip.]
▸ Converts double spaces to single
[See also DeSpacer.wcm
here, which accounts for bookmarks or other codes that might
be found inside a string of space characters, unwanted single spaces
adjacent to certain other codes, etc.]
▸ Delete extra spaces in a document to
at most 2 in sequence.
[See also DeSpacer.wcm in DeSpacer.zip.]
▸ Convert spaces to left tabs or left
indents (you can select the minimum number of spaces to search; the
default is 3).
▸ Convert left tabs to left indents.
• #PAR2TXT.WCM converts WordPerfect's outline paragraph numbers (those
created with Insert, Outline/Bullets & Numbering...) to ordinary
text numbers.
Note: For WordPerfect 8 and later, download PAR2TXT.ZIP here (7,101 bytes) which contains a
slightly modified version of the macro that has been tweaked to run
under WP8+. But also note that the macro will convert other paragraph
styles (e.g., Heading 2) to ordinary body text. [For a simple manual
alternative see here.]
• #PARCONV.WCM - does the opposite:
▸ "Searches and replaces text paragraph
numbers (e.g., 1.1, 1.11, 1(c), etc.) and replaces them with automatic
paragraph numbering codes. Useful for converting a document keyed in
with fixed character paragraph numbers. Position dependent and
independent paragraph codes can be selected.
▸ Note that ANY paragraph beginning
with a 1-6 character "word" AND having a ( or ) or . within the word is
considered to be a paragraph number. Thus, a paragraph BEGINNING with
"U.S.A." WILL have the "U.S.A." converted into a paragraph code.
Accordingly, this macro normally should be used in prompted mode.
▸ Can also be used to add paragraph
numbers to existing "plain" text that has no text paragraph numbers;
this forces prompted mode."IMPORTANT: You probably will want to
edit the macro as follows:
- Change the Application line to
Application (A1; "WordPerfect"; Default!)
- Comment out ("//") all the
Display() commands — there are eight of them — except the
Display(On!) command that immediately follows DialogShow
("menu";"WordPerfect"). There should be a Display(On!) command active
at that point (but not a Display(Off!)). Crude editing, but effective.
- The macro defaults to numbering
paragraphs with the standard "Numbers" outline style, but this can be
changed in the vLevel[] array at the end of the macro code.
• For macro writers: John's _CODES.WCM
macro shows codes and numerical character values of the item to the
left and right of the cursor. You can move the cursor and the display
is automatically refreshed, allowing you to see multiple codes while
the macro is running. For WordPerfect 8 and later versions.
▸ A slightly modified version of
_CODES.WCM, renamed ShowCodes.wcm, can be found in the CODECHAR.ZIP
file by Lindsay Rollo (see below). It now
shows the actual character to the left and right of the cursor.
(8/8/00; 28,551 bytes) - Need to change numbers or dollar
amounts to words? Here are two slightly modified versions of John
Land's ^numcnvt.wcm macro to convert numbers (123, $123.45, 12%) to
words ("One Hundred Twenty-three..." etc.). The "S" (short) version
leaves off the trailing parentheses that enclose the original numerals.
[See also Mike Koenecke's ConvNum macro (linked on the main Tips page).]
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Roy ("lemoto") Lewis
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Doug Loudenback
Doug Loudenback was an attorney from Oklahoma and a frequent contributor to WordPerfect Universe. He originally
published these items as individual PDF files
on his
website, but he graciously agreed to allow posting the
(slightly renamed) archive files here.
CPMACMAN.ZIP (7,914,915 bytes)
- A Common
Person's WordPerfect Macro Manual
Contains all 12
chapters (192 pages) in one PDF fle, originally published in 2004 but
still useful today. Note: The
document is searchable; however, original navigation links are broken.
MERGE2WP.ZIP (410,890 bytes) - Using WordPerfect's
Merge To Create Mailing Labels [or other merge forms] From Quattro Pro [or similar sources]
A 4-step PDF
tutorial (7 pages) with
lots of screen shots. The method is described for Quattro Pro — but it
can also be used with Microsoft Excel (or similar) or a WordPerfect table as the
data source.
And depending on the setup of your merge Form File (.frm) [see Step 2 in the tutorial], you can merge the data to postcards, invoices, letters, etc. — not just address labels.
☼ For more information and tips about setting up and using WordPerfect's merge feature, see Merge Tips and Merge tips for multi-page documents.
☼ You also can directly view (or download) the 7-page PDF document above (555KB, included in the MERGE2WP.ZIP file).
Gordon McComb
See Gordon's page of free macros -- now on the Wayback Machine internet archive -- at
COUNTER8.ZIP for WP7, WP8, WP9, and later. (16Kb)
(Windows 3.1) (16Kb)
[These two files can be found on the Wayback Machine here under the names "Counter for
WPWin 7/8" and "Counter for WPWin 6.1". They were
renamed here to avoid conflicts with the author's own COUNTER.ZIP and
to allow storing them in the same download folder.]
"Counter is a generic counter system
for WordPerfect for Windows. It keeps track of one or more counters in
documents; the counters are for automatically incrementing numbers,
such as invoice numbers, order numbers, and customer numbers. Can be
used with any document or template. Counters are configured by editing
a simple text file; there is no need to alter the macro engine.
Distributed free, and comes with documentation. For use with WPWin 7
and 8 (Windows 95); not for use with WPWin 6.x or WPWin 7 for Windows
NOTE 1: COUNTER8.ZIP is also bundled inside Barry MacDonnell's
INVOICE.ZIP. Barry's Invoice.wcm macro can (optionally) use Gordon's
Counter.wcm to create an automatically incrementing invloice number at
the time the invoice is generated by the macro. Invoice.wcm with
Counter.wcm work together very well under Windows XP and WP9.
NOTE 2: If you use WP6.1, use COUNTER6.ZIP instead of COUNTER8.ZIP.
(No support or warranty is offered for
these two macros.)
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Lindsay Rollo
(08/24/08; 296,876 bytes) - Includes three macros and a PDF document
(Indexes and Indexing.pdf) which outlines an approach to creating
indexes; identifies alternative methods of selecting and marking index
entries; demonstrates a technique for creating multiple indexes to any
document; lists macros designed to assist indexing; and provides an
example of a suitable index format.
• Creating Custom
(08/07/08; PDF file, 597,521 bytes) - The document outlines the
advantages of personal or project keyboards, and illustrates how to
assign features, text, programs, and macros to keyboards and templates.
It includes a method of recording the assignments. [See also Assigning a macro, feature, program, or string
of keystrokes to a key or key combination (i.e., a "shortcut" or
"hot key").]
• TRANSLATE.ZIP (12/30/05; 35,631 bytes) - This package comprises four
macros and an explanatory document. It was developed to process
translated documents but may also be used with English third party
documents. Co-incidentally the macros can provide items for inclusion
in indexes, and glossaries.
◦ MisSpelt.wcm captures as a list all
text entries identified by the
Spell Checker as 'mis-spelt' or not
already added to a custom
◦ CleanUp.wcm removes punctuation and
other characters and some codes from lists, sorts the list and deletes
duplicate entries. Additional or alternative
characters and codes can be easily added.
◦ ExtractLC.wcm separates into two
documents list entries with an
initial upper case or lower case
◦ Hyphen_Dash.wcm substitutes the WP
CharSet value 4,33 [-] for a hyphen.
• CODECHAR.ZIP (11/23/04;
123,924 bytes) - Finding and Using Codes and Characters in WordPerfect
character or code precedes or follows the cursor may be an important
factor in making a macro work successfully -- such as when the macro
needs to "know" what code or character is adjacent to the current
cursor position.
The included WordPerfect
document assembles information about using the system variables
?Left/?RightCode :: ?Left/?RightChar to find codes and characters in
WordPerfect macros.
Some macro tips and code fragments are included, together with guides
to additional resources and other details that affect the use of
variables and commands.
A macro, ShowCodes.wcm, is also included [and is also downloadable separately as ShowCodes.zip]. The macro displays a small movable dialog on screen [sample image] that remains on screen until dismissed; you can then move the cursor in
Reveal Codes and the dialog will show the current code or character's
numerical values to the
left and right side of the cursor. You can then
use the value(s) in your own macro (see ?LeftCode and ?RightCode in
WordPerfect's Help > Macro Commands) when you move to, or around, a
particular area in the document.
• SPACES2TAB.ZIP (8/22/04;
4,702 bytes) - Searches for and deletes all occurrences of multiple
spaces and substitutes a LeftTab code. Particularly useful when tabular
material converted from other programs use multiple spaces to preserve
visual appearance of the original document or table. Can be easily
modified to substitute a single space or other character or code in
(07/18/04; 22,690 bytes) - "Page-Line-Number" - A macro written by New
Zealand author Lindsay Rollo that finds a specified character string in
a document and records in a second document the page number, line
number, and type and location of each string's occurrence. [See also PageLine in the main Library, which
can produce a complete page- and line number Index.]
• SPACES.ZIP (98,375 bytes) -
WordPerfect users who produce self-published documents, prepare them as
camera-ready copy, or who generate PDF files will appreciate this
archive file. It includes a free font, space.ttf,
to produce typographical hard spaces, which improve readability in
headings, measurements, etc.
WPWIN does not
provide for typographic spaces - that is, fixed spaces of various
widths that are proportional of the base font size. At least three
typographic spaces are usually available in dedicated DTP programs.
This archive file includes a TrueType font for creating typographic
spaces [licensed for personal use], and explanatory notes and examples
about the uses for typographic spaces in general documents of all types
and particularly for compliance with ISO standards and academic
publishing standards in scientific, technical and professional
journals, reports and publications. The notes are in PDF format, and
include a macro example for WordPerfect.
Incluided in the above ZIP file is a
separate zrchive file, SPACERS.ZIP,
which contains six macros. These macros can be assigned to keystrokes such as Alt+1,
Alt+2, etc., to automate the insertion of typographical spaces.
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Charles Rossiter
• AppBarMsg.wcm
- (WP9+) To display messages at the bottom right of the screen:
Page X of Y
Word count
Character count
User-defined message
• CharCount.wcm (WP9+) - To provide
word, character and white space counts for main text, footnotes,
endnotes, headers/footers, text boxes and comments separately. May be
applied to whole document or to selected text. The results may be
written to the clipboard and so be pasted into the current or a new
For those who need an exact number of characters per line, here
is an easy technique from Charles posted on WordPerfect Universe (and a
downloadable style for those who want a
finished product) that can produce (e.g.) 63 characters per line. Note
that this requires a monospace font such as Courier New.
• CleanSave.wcm - To
save a file with a refreshed internal header, with old metadata
Saves the file with
original date and time (optional).
Saves with the original
document summary (optional).
Saves with a backup file
Saves with default font
settings and language settings.
• ConvertCaseInitialCaps.wcm
(For WP10 and later versions) - To workaround a bug in WPWin10 [and
later?], which causes the WPWin command Convert Case Initial Capitals
fail, if the Tools, Settings, Convert option "Do not use printer
metrics" has been selected and written to the default template. The
macro could be attached to the Edit, Convert menu.
This WordPerfect bug seems to have been fixed in a later version of
WordPerfect, since it doesn't now exist in (at least) WPX7. For a more
flexible macro (i.e., more options) that was not designed as a fix for
the problem, see Convert Case.wcm
on the Toolbox site here.]
• Delete Current File.wcm
(NOT for WP8 - but see Shredder.wcm in the main Library) -
To delete the file currently on-screen.
• FloatingCellToolbar.wcm - Toggle the
TableFormulaCellBar on/off for Floating Cells.
• Julian.wcm - To
calculate Julian dates, and numbers of days between 2 dates.
• Margins
Set.wcm (Not
needed for WPWin8, but functions correctly) - To set margins for pages
and labels. Correction for bug in WPWin9 and later.
• NewSave.wcm - To save
a file with a refreshed internal header. As CleanSave.wcm, but without
the options.
• QWManage.wcm - Manage
Create a 2 column table listing all QuickWords Abbreviations and their
Expansions defined in the current, default and supplemental templates.
B. Restore QuickWords
and their expansions from the output of option A created in a table
with 2 columns of Abbreviations and Expansions.
• Reverse Case.wcm - To
reverse the case of selected text.
• SMR.wcm - Macro for
calculating the 95% confidence intervals for a Standardized Mortality
Ratio, given the values of at least 2 of SMR, observed deaths, expected
• SearchCodes.wcm -
Dialog for displaying common codes to be searched for, and for deleting
or replacing these codes from a document.
• Style List.wcm -
Creates a list of all document and outline styles in the default
• TableAttributesRemove.wcm
- Removes Table and Table Cell attributes; leaves table text attributes
• TextOpen_Save.wcm
(WP9+) - To provide all options available for opening and saving
Ansi/Ascii files.
• WordCount.wcm (WP9+) -
To provide word counts for main text, footnotes, endnotes,
headers/footers, text boxes and comments separately. May be applied to
whole document or to selected text. The results may be written to the
clipboard and so be pasted into the current or a new document.
Jim Shackleford
Need to insert identical
text in several locations that you can change easily and quickly?
Here's a macro for WordPerfect 9/10+ to do it (for other WP versions,
or to use a Style as an alternative, see
FAUXVAR9.ZIP (16,867 bytes) - A WordPerfect 9/10 macro that mimics
WP10's new document variables feature. As Jim's overview states:
"WordPerfect 10, part
of Corel
WordPerfect Office 2002, introduced a new feature – document variables.
Document variables allow a user to create, save, and retrieve variables
which can be placed into a document. This allows the user to simply
change the value of the variable in one place and have those changes
reflected throughout the document." [Ed.-
This includes variables inside headers, footers, notes, etc.]
"FAUXVAR is a WordPerfect
macro system which mimics the behavior of document variables through
the use of character styles. Up to 99 faux variables can be used in a
document. If you wish to create, edit, save or retrieve faux variables,
this macro will simplify the procedure. You may still use WordPerfect’s
built-in styles editor if you desire."
He also states, "You can
faux variables with WordPerfect 10. You may wish to do this if you
share documents with others with earlier versions of WordPerfect."
NOTE: In addition to the method Jim
describes to edit a faux variable, you can also double-click the
variable's code in the Reveal Codes window.
Copy the macro and its two helper
files to your default or supplemental macros folder. You may want to
play the macro from a toolbar button
or key combination. The macro has a
Help button that explains how to create and edit these variables.
For earlier versions of
WordPerfect (i.e., WP9 and earlier)
that do not have the Insert, Variable feature, you can use
a style to duplicate this feature:
You can create a Character style
contains the text you want to appear in various places in your
document. Then just apply the style in each location (no need to type
the text at those locations since it is already "inside" the style
itself). Here's how.
1. Click on Format, Styles, Create.
This brings up the Styles Editor.
2. Give the new style a name and
description. Choose "Character" as the Type. Be sure to check the box,
"Automatically update style when changed in document."
3. In the Contents field of the
Editor, enter (or paste) your text. Format it if desired.
4. Click OK, then Close, to return
the document.
In the document (in an empty area),
click Format, Styles, and choose the new style in the left pane, then
click Insert. (Or, even easier: select the style from the drop list on
your property bar.)
The text should appear in the
document, but if you look in Reveal Codes, all you'll see is a pair of
[Char Style] codes. Click on any one of these codes to bring up the
Styles Editor, make any changes, then close the Styles Editor. The
change should appear wherever the style was applied.
This use of a style is basically
the same idea behind the new Variable feature of WP10/11.
There appears to be a limit of
about 4,000 characters that you can use inside a variable or style's
Contents field. |
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